Conference contributions (page 6 of 7)
- Andrén, A. (2004). I skuggan av Yggdrasil. Trädet mellan idé och realitet i nordisk tradition. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Ordning mot kaos : studier av nordisk förkristen kosmologi (Vägar till Midgård ; 4). Nordic Academic Press.
- Andrén, A. (2004). Mission impossible? The Archaeology of Norse Religion. In Insoll, T. (Ed.) Belief in the Past. The Proceedings of the 2002 Manchester Conference on Archaeology and Religion. Archaeopress.
- Gillis, C. (2004). The Use of Color in the Aegean Bronze Age. In Cleland, L. & Stears, K. (Eds.) Colour in the ancient Mediterranean world (pp. 56-60). Hedges.
- Göransson, K. (2004). The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides (Benghazi), Libya. A presentation of preliminary results. In Eiring, J. & Lund, J. (Eds.) Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean (Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, 5) (pp. 137-142). The Danish Institute at Athens.
- Högberg, A. (2004). The use of flint during the south Scandinavian Late Bronze Age: two technologies, two traditions. In Walker, E. A., Wenban-Smith, F. & Healy, F. (Eds.) Lithics in Action. Papers from the conference Lithic Studies in the Year 2000. Oxbow Books.
- Larsson, L. (2004). Axeheads and fire - the transformation of wealth. In Walker, E., Wenban-Smith, F. & Healy, F. (Eds.) Lithic in Action. Papers from the Conference Lithic Studies in the Year 2000 (pp. 197-205). Oxbow Books.
- Larsson, L. (2004). Landskap och offerritualer – en studie i mikromiljö av ett makrofenomen. Våtmarksdepåer från neolitikum. In Gudmundsson, G. (Ed.) Current issues in Nordic archaeology : proceedings of the 21st Conference of Nordic archaeologists 6-9 September 2001 (pp. 131-134). Society of Icelandic Archaeologists.
- Larsson, L. (2004). The Mesolithic period in southern Scandinavia: with special reference to burials and cemeteries. In Saville, A. (Ed.) Mesolithic Scotland and its Neighbours. The Early Holocene Prehistory of Scotland and its Brotish and Irish Context ans some Northern European Perspective (pp. 371-392). Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
- Nilsson Stutz, L. (2004). Minnet och glömskan av de döda i Skateholm. In Arvidsson, S., Berggren, ?. & Hållans, A.-S. (Eds.) Minne och myt : konsten att skapa det förflutna ( Vägar till Midgård ; 5). Nordic Academic Press.
- Rudebeck, E. (2004). Trends and Problems in Swedish Contract Archaeology – Some Reflections. In Guðmundsson, G. (Ed.) Current Issues in Nordic Archaeology. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Nordic Archaeologists, 6-9 September 2001, Akureyri, Iceland (pp. 55-58). Society of Icelandic Archaeologists.
- Staecker, J. (2004). Die Europäisierung des Ostseeraumes. In Staecker, J. (Ed.) The European frontier : clashes and compromises in the Middle Ages (pp. 3-10). Almqvist & Wiksell International.
- Staecker, J. (2004). Hjältar, kungar och gudar – Receptionen av bibliska element och av hjältediktning i en hednisk värld. In Berggren, ?., Arvidsson, S. & Hållans, A.-S. (Eds.) Minne och myt. Konsten att skapa det förflutna (Vägar till Midgård ; 5) (pp. 39-78). Nordic Academic Press.
- Staecker, J. (2004). Jelling – Mythen und Realität. In Kattinger, D., Olesen, J. E. & Wernicke, H. (Eds.) Der Ostseeraum und Kontinentaleuropa 1100-1600 : Einflussnahme - Rezeption - Wandel (pp. 77-102). Thomas Helms Verlag.
- Staecker, J. (2004). Stellvertreter auf Erden. Studien zur Ikonographie der mittelalterlichen Grabplatten. In Staecker, J. (Ed.) The European frontier : clashes and compromises in the Middle Ages (pp. 177-208). Almqvist & Wiksell International.
- Ödman, A. (2004). A short story about the Grevlunda motte in Scania, Sweden – former Denmark: from Bronze Age Grave to viking castle. In Ettel, P., Flambard Héricher, A.-M. & McNeill, T. (Eds.) Château Gaillard : Studien zur mittelalterlichen Wehrbau- und Siedlungsforschung, 21. CRAHM.
- Ahlström, T. (2003). Grave or ossuary? : Osteological finds from a recently excavated passage tomb in Falbygden, Sweden. In Burenhult, G. & Westergaard, S. (Eds.) British archaeological reports. International series, Stones and Bones : Formal disposal of the dead in Atlantic Europe during the Mesolithic-Neolithic interface 6000-3000 BC: archaeological conference in honour of the Late Professor Michael J. O'Kelly : proceedings of the Stones and Bones Conference in Sligo, Ireland, May 1-5, 2002 (pp. 253-269), 1201. Archaeopress.
- Ahlström, T. (2003). Mesolithic human skeletal remains from Tågerup, Scania, Sweden. In Larsson, L., Kindgren, H., Knutsson, K., Loeffler, D. & Åkerlund, A. (Eds.) Mesolithic on the move : papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000 (pp. 478-484). Oxbow Books.
- Ambrosiani, B. & Gustin, I. (2003). Islamic links to Scandinavia. The Great Volga Route Conference 2002. The Great Volga Route, Kazan.
- Larsson, L. (2003). Memories in earth. Earthern long barrows in southern Sweden. In Derwich, E. (Ed.) Préhistoire des pratiques mortuaries. Paléolithique - Mésolithique - Néolithique (pp. 15-21).
- Magnell, O. (2003). Butchering of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Mesolithic. In Larsson, L. (Ed.) Mesolithic on the Move. Papers presented the Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000 (pp. 671-679). Oxbow Books.
- Rudebeck, E. & Högberg, A. (2003). Theory and Practice in Contract Archaeology – A Presentation of the Research Programme for Malmö Heritage, Sweden. In Jostein, B. (Ed.) Oslo Archaeological Series (pp. 428-444), 1. University of Oslo.
- Staecker, J. (2003). A Protestant habitus: 16th-century Danish graveslabs as an expression of changes in belief. Archaeology of Reformation 1480-1580, 1, 415-436. Maney Publishing.
- Berggren, ?. (2002). Reflexivitet inom arkeologin. In Berggren, ?. & Burström, M. (Eds.) Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett semninarium. (pp. 19-28). Riksantikvarieämbetet.
- Gillis, C., Clayton, R. & Andersson, P. (2002). High precision measurement of Sn isotopes by multicollector ICPMS; towards a better understanding of a measurement protocol.
- Larsson, L., Liljegren, R., Magnell, O. & Ekstrom, J. (2002). Archaeo-faunal aspects of bog finds from Hassleberga, southern Scania, Sweden. Recent studies in the Final Palaeolithic of the European plain, 39, 61-74. Jutland Archaelogical Society.