Conference contributions (page 1 of 7)
- Uchiyama, J. & Jordan, P. (2025). Living close to an active volcano : Jomon engagement with Mount Fuji.
- Foley, B. & Hansson, M. (2024). Gribshunden in perspective: : a castle on the sea. In Ilves, K., Walker Vadillo, V. & Velentza, K. (Eds.) Cultural Studies in Maritime and Underwater Archaeology, Delivering the Deep: : Maritime Archaeology for the 21st Century: Selected Papers From IKUWA 7 (pp. 165-178), 6. British Archaeological Reports (BAR).
- Hårdh, B. (2024). Silver rings and marten skins : Contacts between the Volga Region and the Baltic in the early Viking Age. In Zachrisson, T. & Fischer, S. (Eds.) Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, Change : The Shift from the Early to Late Scandianvian Iron Age in the First Millennium AD (pp. 271-279), 13. Stiftelsen Upplandsmuseet.
- Jennbert, K., Iregren, E. & Magnell, O. (2024). The Nabberör dogs - social significance of dogs in South Scandinavian Late Iron Age.
- Neiß, M. (2024). Handicraft Archaeology based on Intelligent Technology (HAbIT – II).
- Neiß, M. (2024). Handicraft Archaeology based on Intelligent Technology (HAbIT) 2023–2026.
- Neiß, M. (2024). Transforming crafts : A bottom-up perspective on religious change.
- Nurra, F., Dell'Unto, N. & Derudas, P. (2024). From AIR to (AI)R : The use of LLM for interpreting archaeological excavation data.
- Olsson, H., Landeschi, G., Kucukdemirci, M. & Derudas, P. (2024). The Blera Archaeological Project : Investigating Etruscan Urbanism through Multi-Resolution Archaeology.
- Svensson, A. (2024). From the Crucible and at the Anvil : The spatial and socioeconomic aspects of metal use throughout the Iron Age.
- Svensson, A. (2024). The Wealth from Crucible and Anvil : Multimetality, Spatiality and Socio-economy in Iron Age south-east Scandinavia.
- Svensson, A. (2024). The Wealth from Crucible and Anvil : Multimetality, Spatiality and Socio-economy in Iron Age south-east Scandinavia.
- Uchiyama, J., Kuwahata, M. & Jordan, P. (2024). Neolithisation and natural disasters : Jomon settlement pattern shifts in Kyushu, Japan (ca. 11,500-7,000 cal BP).
- Berndt, S. (2023). Wall Paintings from Gordion in their Anatolian Context. In Baughan, E. P. & Pieraccini, L. C. (Eds.) Mediterranean Studies in Antiquity, Etruria and Anatolia : Material Connections and Artistic Exchange (pp. 217-233). Cambridge University Press.
- Callieri, M., Berggren, ?., Dell'Unto, N., Derudas, P., Dininno, D., Ekengren, F. & Naponiello, G. (2023). The Dynamic Collections : a 3D Web Platform of Archaeological Artefacts designed for Data Reuse and Deep Interaction. 50th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2023). Peer Community In Archaeology.
- Neiß, M. (2023). Comments on Urban Metal Casting in the Light of the Northern Emporium Project.
- Neiß, M. (2023). Handicraft Archaeology based on Intelligent Technology (HABIT).
- Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. (2023). Quarryscape Epigraphy : Feet and Sandals as Private Attestations at Gebel el-Silsila – Shatt el-Rigal. In Ragazzoli, C., Hassan, K. & Salvador, C. (Eds.) Bibliothèque d'étude, Rock inscriptions and graffiti from Ancient Egypt : A companion to Secondary Epigraphy (pp. 137-170), 182. IFAO.
- Roslund, M. (2023). Retracing the Vikings in the East : A review of Scandinavian-Islamic interfaces. Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Vikings in the Mediterranean : Proceedings of an International Conference Co-organized by the Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish Institutes at Athens, 14, 147-167. Norwegian Institute at Athens.
- Spantidaki, S., Flemestad, P. & Nosch, M.-L. (2023). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Sails of the Athenian Trireme. In Bentz, M. & Heinzelmann, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn, 22 - 26 May 2018. Sessions 6–8 – Single Contributions : Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World (pp. 33-35), 55. Propylaeum.
- Vassallo, V., Landeschi, G. & Hermon, S. (2023). Digging in excavation diaries : digital re-assessment of stratigraphy in 3D GIS. The sanctuary of Ayia Irini, Cyprus. In Lang, M., Hochschild, V. & Sonnemann, T. (Eds.) Human History and Digital Future : Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (pp. 117-130). Tübingen University Press.
- Hårdh, B. (2022). Die slawische Komponente in den schwedischen Hachsilberschätzen : Beziehungen über die Ostsee im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. In Biermann, F., Kieseler, A., Pernicka, E. & von Richthofen, J. (Eds.) Studien zur Archäologie Europas, Frühmittelalterliches Hacksilber im nördlichen westslawischen Raum : Archäologie und Archäometallurgie. Beiträge der internationalen Konferenz im Kulturhistorischen Museum Görlitz, 18./19. Oktober 2019 (pp. 75-85), 36. Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, Bonn.
- Larsson, M. & Foley, B. (2022). Unlocking the King's spice cabinet : Plant remains from a 15th century royal shipwreck in the Baltic Sea.
- Moreno Escobar, M. d. C. & España-Chamorro, S. (2022). Landscapes and the Augustan revolution : Exploring the transformation of the Western provinces between the Republic and the early Empire. Bollettino di Studi Latini, 52, 164-168.
- Nenova, D., Bruseker, G., Derudas, P., Hiebel, G., Hivert, F., Katsianis, M., Marlet, O., Opitz, R., Ore, C.-E. & Uleberg, E. (2022). Bringing Excavation Data Together : Are We There Yet and Where is That?.