Conference contributions (page 2 of 7)
- Svensson, A. (2022). Multimetality beyond the Iron Age Central-place craft milieus : Metal use in the Borderlands.
- Tornberg, A. (2022). A prehistory of violence : Evidence of violence related skull trauma in southern Sweden, 2300-1100 BCE. In Tornberg, A., Svensson, A. & Apel, J. (Eds.) Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series Prima in 4º, Life and Afterlife in the Nordic Bronze Age : Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Bronze Age Symposium held in Lund 11th to 15th June 2019 (pp. 99-118). Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Dell'Unto, N. (2021). Shifting Grounds : The Archaeological Practice in the Age of digital Technology. Virtual Archaeology: Revealing the Past, Enriching the Present and Shaping the Future : Proceedings of the Forth International Scientific Conference, 67-72. Siberian Federal University press.
- Derudas, P. (2021). Archaeological Publication Systems : Which route to take? A compass for addressing future development. In Ganovelli, F., Mc Donald, C., Banterle, F., Potenziani, M., Callieri, M. & Jung, Y. (Eds.) Web3D '21 : The 26th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (pp. 1-6). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Hansson, M. & Stille, P. (2021). En landskapsanalys av runstenarna Sm 36 och Sm 37 i Bolmaryd. In MacLeod, M., Bianchi, M. & Williams, H. (Eds.) Runrön : runologiska bidrag / utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet, Runrön : Runologiska bidrag utgivna avInstitutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet (pp. 193-213), 24. Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet.
- Jordan, P., Vasilevski, A., Kato, H. & Grishchenko, V. (2021). Surviving Turbulent Times : Climate Change, Cultural Connections and Shifting Adaptations in Hokkaido-Sakhalin during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition.
- Küçükdemirci, M., Landeschi, G., Dell'Unto, N. & Ohlsson, M. (2021). Mapping archeological signs from airborne lidar data using deep neural networks : Primary results. ArcheoSciences, 14th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection, 45, 291-293.
- Markussen, H., Johansson, I. & Ekengren, F. (2021). Externa medbedömare i examination : Perspektiv från lärare och kvalitetssamordnare. In Santesson, S. & Mårtensson, K. (Eds.) Hållbart lärarskap: universitetsundervisning i förändring : Proceedings från Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2020 (pp. 133-142). Lunds universitet, Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna.
- Moreno Escobar, M. C. (2021). Landscape transitions in Tarraco: Extending the understanding of provincial communities and their integration into the Roman Empire : European Association of Archaeologists Conference (EAA) 2021.
- Svensson, A. (2021). A wealth from Crucible and Anvil : The spatial socio-economy of Iron Age Scandinavia seen through multimetal craftsmanship and metal use.
- Svensson, A. (2021). Multimetality in and between central milieus : Iron Age network implications of the project ‘From the Crucible and at the Anvil’.
- Uchiyama, J., Jordan, P., Isaksson, S. & Kuwahata, M. (2021). Surviving in the Ashes : A Preliminary Assessment of Socio-Ecological Responses to a "Super-Eruption" in Foraging Southwest Japan (7,300 cal BP).
- Özdoğru, ?. N., Küçükdemirci, M., Görüm, T. & Özcan, O. (2021). Studying the ancient settlement of Hacilar Büyük Höyük with integrated methods. ArcheoSciences, 45, 245-248. Groupe des Methodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant a l'Archeologie.
- Berndt Ersöz, S. (2020). Phrygian Matar and Greek Kybele. Encounters and Transmissions. In Kerschner, M. (Ed.) Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Sonderschriften Band 60, Der Kult der Meter/Kybele in Westanatolien und in der Ägäis Akten des internationalen : Akten des internationalen Symposions and der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 24. Oktober 2017 (pp. 33-45), 60. Holzhausen Verlag.
- Berndt Ersöz, S. (2020). The Upright Tiara of the Persian King. In Dahlén, A. P. (Ed.) Boreas : Uppsala studies in ancient Mediterranean and Near-Eastern civilizations, Achaemenid Anatolia: Persian presence and impact in the Western Satrapies 546-330 BC : Proceedings of an international symposium at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 7-8 September, 2017 (pp. 65-79), 37. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University.
- D'Auria, C., Cianciarulo, D., Lindgren, S. & Campanaro, D. M. (2020). Il villaggio rupestre di Petruscio dal “Survey” alla “Virtual Archaeology” : Progetto di tutela, valorizzazione e gestione di un parco archeologico. In Perna, R., Carmenati, R., Giuliodori, M. & Piccinini, J. (Eds.) Scienze dell'antichità, Roma e il mondo adriatico. Dalla ricerca archeologica alla pianificazione del territorio : I. Carte archeologiche, gestione del patrimonio e parchi archeologici. Quasar.
- Flemestad, P. (2020). Ancient Greek dyeing : a terminological approach. In Mossakowska-Gaubert, M. (Ed.) Egyptian textiles and their production: 'word and object' (pp. 82-90). Zea Books.
- Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. (2020). Rock art through the ages: Rupestrian memoranda at Gebel el-Silsila. In Dirksen, S. & Krastel, L. (Eds.) Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo, Epigraphy through five millennia. Texts and images in context (pp. 235-254), 43. DAIK.
- Berndt Ersöz, S. (2019). To Drink Bull´s Blood : An analysis of the Story of Midas. In Tsetskhladze, G. R. (Ed.) Colloquia Antiqua, Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronse Age to the Byzantine period : Proceedings of an International Conference ‘The Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD’, held at Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2nd-8th November, 2015 (pp. 93-108), 24. Peeters Publishers.
- Derudas, P., Dell'Unto, N., Landeschi, G. & Callieri, M. (2019). Dig it and Dig it again.
- Gerding, H. (2019). The origins of Roman bricks : a similarity network approach. In Bonetto, J., Bukowiecki, E. & Volpe, R. (Eds.) Costruire nel mondo antico, Alle origine del laterizio romano: nascita e diffusione del mattone cotto nel Mediterraneo tra IV e I sec. a.C. : Atti del II Convegno internazionale “Laterizio”, Padova, 26–28 aprile 2016 (pp. 9-24), 1. Quasar.
- Landeschi, G. (2019). Back again to GIS? The need of mapping multisensoriality.
- Landeschi, G. & Richards-Rissetto, H. (2019). Empowering Archaeology of the Senses through digital approaches.
- Scalas, A., Vassallo, V., Mortara, M., Spagnuolo, M. & Hermon, S. (2019). An automatic approach for the classification of ancient clay statuettes based on heads features recognition. In Rizvic, S. & Rodriguez-Echavarria, K. (Eds.) GCH 2019 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, GCH 2019 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (pp. 79-82). Eurographics - European Association for Computer Graphics.
- Vassallo, V., Hermon, S., Scalas, A., Mortara, M. & Spagnuolo, M. (2019). A re-evaluation of the concept of type in coroplastic studies based on 3D shape analysis of terracotta figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus.