Conference contributions (page 5 of 7)
- Callieri, M., Dell'Unto, N., Dellepiane, M., Scopigno, R., Söderberg, B. & Larsson, L. (2011). Documentation and Interpretation of an Archeological Excavation: an experience with Dense Stereo Reconstruction tools. In Dellepiane, M., Nicolucci, F., Pena Serna, S., Rushmeier, H. & Van Gool, L. (Eds.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 33-40). Eurographics - European Association for Computer Graphics.
- Gillis, C. & Wallette, A. (2011). Essay SI - Taking SI to a Higher Level.
- Roos, P. (2011). The stadion at Labraunda. In Karlsson, L. & Carlsson, S. (Eds.) Boreas, Labraunda and Karia : Proceedings of the International Symposium commemorating sixty years of Swedish Archaeological work in Labraunda (pp. 257-266), 32. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Wikander, C. (2011). Acquarossa. Tetti di terracotta: la decorazione architettonica fittile tra Etruria e Lazio in età arcaica ; atti delle giornate di studio, Sapienza, Università di Roma, 25 Marzo e 25 Ottobre 2010, 73-74.
- Forsell, R., Karivieri, A. & Tulkki, C. (2010). Late Roman and Early Byzantine pottery from Arethousa. In Papnikola-Bakirtzi, D. & Kousolakou, N. (Eds.) Keramiki tis Isteris Archaiotitas apo ton Elladiko choro (3os-7os mCh) (pp. 421-428), tomos B.
- Forte, M., Dell'Unto, N., Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, P., Galeazzi, F., Liuzza, C. & Pescarin, S. (2010). The Virtual Museum of the Western Han Dynasty: 3D Documentation and Interpretation. In Campana, S., Forte, M. & Liuzza, C. (Eds.) Space, time, place / BAR International series (pp. 195-199), S2118. Archaeopress.
- Landeschi, G. & Carrozzino, M. (2010). A 3D model for detecting and communicating the archaeological risk.
- Larsson, L. (2010). Approaching the dead – social and architectural interaction reflected in a megalithic tomb. In Calado, D., Baldia, M. & Boulanger, M. (Eds.) Monumental Questions: Prehistoric Megaliths, Mounds, and Enclosures. Proceedings of the XV World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006) / BAR International Series (pp. 213-222), 8. Archaeopress.
- Berggren, ?. (2009). Offerbegreppet i arkeologin - tolkningar och perspektiv. In Carlie, A. (Ed.) Järnålderns rituella platser: femton artiklar om kultutövning och religion från en konferens i Nissaström den 4-5 oktober 2007 (pp. 33-49), Utskrift 9. Kulturmiljö Halland.
- Gillis, C. & Bryngfors, L. (2009). Heightening Learning with SI. In Sonesson, A. & Amnér, G. (Eds.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 150-154). Lund University (Media-Tryck).
- Gillis, C. & Bryngfors, L. (2009). Heightening student learning with SI. In Sonesson, A. & Amnér, G. (Eds.) Proceedings Utvecklingskonferens Lunds universitet 2009 (pp. 150-154). Lednings- och kompetensutveckling/CED.
- Naum, M. (2009). Memories, practice and identity. A case of early medieval migration. In Georgiadis, M. & Gallou, C. (Eds.) BAR International Series 1925 (pp. 71-86). Archaeopress.
- Ahlström, T. (2008). An early example of scalping from the Mesolithic cemetery Skateholm, Sweden. In Piek, J. & Terberger, T. (Eds.) Archäologie und Geschichte im Ostseeraum (pp. 59-66), 3. Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH.
- Forsell, R. & Karivieri, A. (2008). New results from the campaigns of 2003-2006 in Casa di Caecilio Iucundus (V 1,22-27). In Guzzo, P. G. & Guidobaldi, M. P. (Eds.) Nouve ricerche archeologiche nell'area Vesuviana. Atti dei convegno internazionale, Roma 1-3 Febraio 2007 / Studi della soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei (pp. 103-108), 25. L'erma di Bretschneider.
- Rystedt, E. & Wikander, C. (2008). Undervisningssamordning - pedagogiska fördelar och faror.
- Zagal-Mach Wolfe, U. I. (2008). Transitions in Craft traditions (TCT): a theoretical discussion of a research strategy. In Sørensen, M. & Desrosiers, P. (Eds.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 187-205), 14. Publications from the National Museum Studies in Archaeology & History.
- Bender Jørgensen, L. & Olausson, D. (2007). Social dimensions of technological change. The European Archaeologist, Winter 2007-2008, 25-25. European Association of Archaeologists.
- Hårdh, B. (2007). Money in Large Units in East and West. In Bertasius, M. (Ed.) Transformatio mundi. The Transition from the Late Migration to the Early Viking Age in the East Baltic.
- Hårdh, B. (2007). Oriental-Scandinavian contacts on Volga, as manifested by silver rings and weight systems. In James, G.-C. & Garreth, W. (Eds.) Silver Economy in the Viking Age (pp. 135-147). Left Coast Press Inc..
- Domeij, M. (2006). Bound animal bodies. Ornamentation and skaldic poetry in the process of Christianization. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Vägar till midgård (pp. 39-44), Vägar till Midgård 8. Vägar till Midgård/Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia, Lund.
- Gerding, H. (2006). Early use of fired brick in Hellenistic and Roman architecture. In Mattusch, C., Donohue, A. & Brauer, A. (Eds.) Common Ground : Archaeology, Art, Science and Humanities - Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003 (pp. 355-358).
- Magnell, O. (2006). Tooth wear in wild boar (Sus scrofa). In Ruscillo, D. (Ed.) Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference, Durham 2002. (pp. 188-202). Oxbow Books.
- Magnell, O. (2006). Tracking taphonomy. Analysis of skeletal remains from wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) from Mesolithic sites in Scania, Southern Sweden. In Engelmark, R. (Ed.) Archaeology and environment (pp. 57-71), 21. Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, Department of Archaeology and Saami Studies, University of Umeå.
- Faegersten, F. (2005). Ivory, wood, and stone : some suggestions regarding the Egyptianizing votive sculpture from Cyprus. In Uehlinger, C. & Suter, C. E. (Eds.) Orbis biblicus et orientalis, Crafts and images in contact : studies on Eastern Mediterranean art of the first millennium BCE (pp. 265-289), 210. Academic Press Fribourg.
- Hårdh, B. (2005). Uppåkra in the Viking Age. Viking and Norse in the North Atlantic. Select papers from the Proceedings of the fourteenth Viking Corngress, Torshavn, 358-383. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag.