Konferensbidrag (sida 3 av 7)
- Nosch, M.-L., Spantidaki, S. & Flemestad, P. (2018). Where are the sails? : An interdisciplinary search for the textiles of the Athenian fleet.
- Scalas, A., Vassallo, V., Mortara, M., Spagnuolo, M. & Hermon, S. (2018). Shape analysis techniques for the Ayia Irini case study. I Sablatnig, R. & Wimmer, M. (Red.) Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, EUROGRAPHICS : Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (pp. 255-258). Eurographics - European Association for Computer Graphics.
- Theodoulou, T., Foley, B. & Tourtas, A. (2018). Western Crete Project, 2013: Preliminary Report : Underwater survey at Kissamos Bay and the promontories of Rhodopos and Gramvousa. I Simossi, A. (Red.) ΒΟΥΤΙΑ ΣΤΑ ΠΕΡΑΣΜΕΝΑ : Η Υποβρύχια Αρχαιολογική Έρευνα, 1976-2014 (pp. 305-312). ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΤΑΜΕΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΩΝ ΠΟΡΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΑΛΛΟΤΡΙΩΣΕΩΝ.
- Gerding, H. & Östborn, P. (2017). The diffusion of architectural innovations : Modelling social networks in the ancient building trade. I Teigen, H. & Heldaas Seland, E. (Red.) Sinews of empire : Networks in the Roman Near East and beyond (pp. 71-84). Oxbow Books.
- Hårdh, B. (2017). Uppåkra´s Political Situation in the Migration Period. I Semple, S., Orsini, C. & Mui, S. (Red.) Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, Life on the Edge : Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe (pp. 137-142), 6. Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum.
- Rey-Solé, M., Scherstén, A., Naeraa, T., Olausson, D. & Mangado, X. (2017). Siliceous Raw Material Exploitation at Hort de la Boquera Site (Margalef de Monsant, Tarragona, España) : First Results from La-Icp-Ms Analysis. I Pereira, T., Terradas, X. & Bicho, N. (Red.) The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory : Sourcing, Processing and Distribution (pp. 234-249). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sjögren, K. G. & Ahlström, T. (2017). Early Mesolithic burials from Bohuslän, western Sweden. I Grünberg, J. M., Gramsch, B., Larsson, L., Orschiedt, J. & Meller, H. (Red.) Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle, Mesolithic burials – Rites, symbols and social organisation of early postglacial communities : International Conference in Halle (Saale), Germany, 18th–21st September 2013 (pp. 125-143), 13:1-2. Beier & Beran.
- Berggren, ?. (2016). A view from a fen : On the concept of sacrifice and the possibility of understanding Neolithic wetland depositions. I Murray, C. A. (Red.) IEMA Proceedings, Diversity of Sacrifice : Form and Function of the Sacrificial Practices in the Ancient World and beyond (pp. 31-47), 5. SUNY Press.
- Bergqvist Rydén, J. (2016). Medical practice at Swedish Cistercian monasteries.
- Bergqvist Rydén, J. (2016). Medieval medical cultures in Sweden - practices and ideas mirrored in materiality : Practices and ideas mirrored in materiality.
- Botwid, K. & Eklöv Pettersson, P. (2016). Use traces on crucibles and tuyères? : An archaeological experiment in ancient metallurgy. I Eklöv Pettersson, P. (Red.) BAR International Series, Prehistoric pottery across the Baltic : regions, influences and methods (pp. 21-28), 2785. British Archaeological Reports (BAR).
- Faegersten, F. (2016). Reproducing a foreign dress : A short evaluation of the Archaic Cypro-Egyptian kilt. I Thuesen, I. (Red.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 22–26 May 2000, Copenhagen : Volume 1: The Environment Images of Gods and Humans The Tell Excavation Reports and Summaries Varia (Chronology, Technology, Artifacts) (pp. 305-319), 1. Eisenbrauns.
- Flemestad, P. (2016). Nonverbal Aspects of Terminology. I Lervad, S., Flemestad, P. & Weilgaard Christensen, L. (Red.) Verbal and Nonverbal Representation in Terminology. Proceedings of the TOTh Workshop 2013, Copenhagen, 8 November 2013 (pp. 123-132). Institut Porphyre.
- Gillis, C. (2016). "Color, Materiality, Sensory Experience and Late Bronze Age Burials in the Argolid". I Aslaksen, O. C. (Red.) Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, Local and global perspectives on mobility in the eastern Mediterranean (pp. 191-230), 5. Norwegian Institute of Athens.
- Hansson, M. (2016). Castle and Commerce in Medieval Sweden - the Examples of Stockholm, Borgholm and Piksborg. I Ettel, P., Flambard Hericher, A.-M. & O'Conor, K. (Red.) Chateau Gaillard, Chateua Gaillard 27. : Chateau et commerce (pp. 185-194), 27. Presses universitaires de Caen, les Publications du CRAHM..
- Iregren, E., Alexandersen, V., Jungner, H. & Isberg, P.-E. (2016). Dieta y Crecimiento Infantil Medieval en una Sociedad Rural del Norte de Europa. I Montero Lopez, P., Prado Martínez, C., Avecedo Cantero, P., Carmenate, M., del Valle, A., Herrerín, J., Romero Collazos, J. F., Keller, K., López Ejeda, N. & Mors Urda, A. I. (Red.) Poblaciones Humanas, Genética, Ambiente y Alimentación (pp. 391-406). Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma Madrid.
- Lindgren, S., Larsson, C. & Andersson Strand, E. (2016). Capturing our cultural intangible textile heritage : Mocap and craft technology. I Ioannides, M., Fresa, A., Fink, E., Liestöl, G., Moropoulou, A., Rajcic, V., Hagedorn-Saupe, M. & Grussenmeyer, P. (Red.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Digital Heritage, Progress in cultural heritage: Documentation, Preservation and Protection : 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016 Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016 Proceedings, Part II (pp. 10-15), 100059. Springer.
- Svensson, A. (2016). Multimetal smithing : An urban craft in rural settings?.
- Svensson, A. (2016). Tracing Multimetal Craftsmanship through Metallurgical debris : Open air workshops and multimetality in Late Iron Age Scandinavia.
- Svensson, A. (2016). Tracing Multimetal Craftsmanship through Metallurgical debris : Open air workshops and multimetality in Late Iron Age Scandinavia.
- Vassallo, V. (2016). A 3D Digital Approach to Study, Analyse and (Re)Interpret Cultural Heritage : the Case Study of Ayia Irini (Cyprus and Sweden). I Campana, S., Scopigno, R., Carpentiero, G. & Cirillo, M. (Red.) CAA2015 : Keep The Revolution Going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (pp. 227-232), 229. Archaeopress.
- Ahlström, T. (2015). Paleodemography of maritime huntergatherers and the quest for forager baseline demography. I Kristian, B., Hyden, S., Jennbert, K., Larsson, L. & Olausson, D. (Red.) Neolithic diversities : perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden / Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Series in 8o (pp. 11-20). Lund University.
- Gillis, C. (2015). A colorful death : A study of the social life of colors in Late Bronze Age grave goods. I Schallin, A.-L. & Tournavitou, I. (Red.) Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen, 4°, Mycenaeans up to date : The archaeology of the northeastern Peloponnese―current concepts and new directions (pp. 515-529), 56.
- Hansson, M. (2015). The Aristocratic Landscape at Bergkvara Castle, Småland, Sweden. I Gutehall, A. & Ödman, C. (Red.) Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae, Castella Maris Baltici 11 : proceedings of a symposium held in Malmö, Sweden, on the 27th of May to the 2nd of June 2012 (pp. 89-98), XX. Society for Medieval Archaeology in Finland.
- Landeschi, G., Dell'Unto, N. & Ferdani, D. (2015). A vector-based pipeline for assessing visibility : a 3D GIS perspective.