Conference contributions (page 7 of 7)
- Magnell, O. (2003). Butchering of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Mesolithic. In Larsson, L. (Ed.) Mesolithic on the Move. Papers presented the Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000 (pp. 671-679). Oxbow Books.
- Rudebeck, E. & Högberg, A. (2003). Theory and Practice in Contract Archaeology – A Presentation of the Research Programme for Malmö Heritage, Sweden. In Jostein, B. (Ed.) Oslo Archaeological Series (pp. 428-444), 1. University of Oslo.
- Staecker, J. (2003). A Protestant habitus: 16th-century Danish graveslabs as an expression of changes in belief. Archaeology of Reformation 1480-1580, 1, 415-436. Maney Publishing.
- Berggren, ?. (2002). Reflexivitet inom arkeologin. In Berggren, ?. & Burström, M. (Eds.) Reflexiv fältarkeologi? Återsken av ett semninarium. (pp. 19-28). Riksantikvarieämbetet.
- Gillis, C., Clayton, R. & Andersson, P. (2002). High precision measurement of Sn isotopes by multicollector ICPMS; towards a better understanding of a measurement protocol.
- Larsson, L., Liljegren, R., Magnell, O. & Ekstrom, J. (2002). Archaeo-faunal aspects of bog finds from Hassleberga, southern Scania, Sweden. Recent studies in the Final Palaeolithic of the European plain, 39, 61-74. Jutland Archaelogical Society.
- Söderlind, M. & Trabska, J. (2002). Painting and firing of late Etruscan votive terracottas. Euro Ceramics VII, 206-2, 905-908. Trans Tech Publications.
- Ahlström, T. (2001). Osteoarthritis in the Middle Neolithic population from Västerbjers, Gotland, Sweden. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 114, 30-30. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Gillis, C. (2001). "Status and Prestige in the Late Bronze Age". Acts of the 8th Cretological Congress, 1996, 509-519.
- Gillis, C. (2001). "Tin-covered Pottery and Chemical Analyses: a Summary". In Bassiakos, Y., Aloupi, E. & Facorellis, Y. (Eds.) Archaeometry Issues in Greek Prehistory and Antiquity (pp. 451-458).
- Hansson, M. (2001). The minor "castles" of the gentry in Småland, Sweden. In Engberg, N., Borch Vest, K. & Skaarup, J. (Eds.) Castella Maris Baltici V, 5. Langelands Museum.
- Roos, P. (2001). The distribution of West Slope Ware. In Scheffer, C. (Ed.) Ceramics in context : Proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient pottery held at Stockholm, 13-15 June 1997 (pp. 29-32), 12. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis.
- Ingemark, D. (2000). Roman glass found on native sites in Scotland & north Northumberland – some preliminary thoughts. Annales du 14e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire Du Verre: Italia - Venezia - Milano 1998, 175-177.
- Nilsson, B. (2000). Sorbus aucuparia or extremely red Rowanberries? Some naive reflections on archaeology, palaeo-ecology and the non-scientific dimensions of a scientific landscape. In Larsson, L. (Ed.) Mesolithic on the Move: papers presented at the Sixth International Conference in the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000 (pp. 145-148). Oxbow Books.
- Olausson, D. (1998). Battleaxes: Home-made, Made to Order or Factory Products?. In Holm, L. & Knutsson, K. (Eds.) Proceedings from the Third Flint Alternatives Conference at Uppsala, Sweden, October 18-20, 1996 (pp. 125-140). Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University.
- Gustin, I. (1997). Means of Payment and the Use of Coins in the Viking-Age Settlement of Birka in Sweden. Preliminary Results. Papers of the 'Medieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference. Volume 3. Trade and Exchange in Medieval Europe, vol 3, 147-153.
- Iregren, E. (1997). Why animal bones in human graves : an attempt to interpret animals present in Iron age cremations in Sweden. In Smits, E., Iregren, E. & Drusini, A. G. (Eds.) Cremation Studies in Archaeology (pp. 9-31). LOGOS Edizione, Padova, Italy.
- Olausson, D. (1997). Craft specialization as an agent of social power in the south Scandinavian Neolithic. In Schild, R. & Sulgotowska, Z. (Eds.) Man and Flint (pp. 269-277). Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Ahlström, T. (1993). The human skeletal remains from the Rössberga passage grave, Valtorp parish, Västergötland. In Iregren, E. & Liljekvist, R. (Eds.) Report series, Populations of the Nordic countries : Human population biology from the present to the Mesolithic. Proceedings of the second seminar of Nordic Physical Anthropology, Lund 1990 (pp. 189-197), 46. Institute of Archaeology, Lund University.
- Iregren, E. & Boldsen, J. (1993). The reflection of childhood growth in adult morphology. In Iregren, E. & Liljekvist, R. (Eds.) University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology, Report series, Populations of the Nordic Countries : human population biology from the present to the Mesolithic. Proceedings of the Second Seminar of Nordic Physical Anthropology, Lund 1990 (pp. 105-112), 46. Institute of Archaeology.
- Olausson, D. (1993). Hav och äng, skog och åker. Bronsåldersbondens levnadssätt i södra Sverige. In Forsberg, L. & Larsson, T. B. (Eds.) Ekonomi och näringsformer i nordisk bronsålder (pp. 105-116). Arkeologiska Institutionen, Umeå Universitet.
- Olausson, D. (1993). The Bronze Age Barrow as a Symbol. In Larsson, L. (Ed.) Report series, Institute of Archaeology, Bronsålderns gravhögar : Rapport från ett symposium i Lund 15.XI-16.XI 1991 (pp. 91-114), 48. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Hårdh, B. (1992). Silverhoards as a mirror of economic systems: methodological problems in interpreting the hoards. In Preprinted papers, M. E. (Ed.) Medieval Europe 1992: a conference on Medieval archaeology in Europe, 21st-24th September 1992 at the University of York. Vol. 5: Exchange and trade.