Book chapters (page 7 of 31)
- Hansson, M. (2017). Medeltidens Växjö – en arkeologisk berättelse om ursprung och utveckling. In Anglert, M. & Larsson, S. (Eds.) Växjö, Kalmar och Smålands tidigaste urbanisering (pp. 49-90). Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer.
- Hansson, M. (2017). Senmedeltida städer – en diskussion kring orsaker, aktörer och regional urbanitet med utgångspunkt i Småland. In Anglert, M. & Larsson, S. (Eds.) Växjö, Kalmar och Smålands tidigaste urbanisering (pp. 117-158). Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer.
- Hillbom, N. (2017). Commentary : A cup of decaf past and waterworld. The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century, 233-238. Archaeopress.
- Holmlund, J., Nilsson, B. & Rönnby, J. (2017). Joint Explorations of the Sunken Past : Examples of Maritime Archaeological Collaboration Between Industry and Academia in the Baltic. In Bailey, G. N., Harff, J. & Sakellariou, D. (Eds.) Coastal Research Library, Under the Sea : Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf (pp. 53-63), 20. Springer.
- Hårdh, B. (2017). Die "Monsterplätze". In Valentin Eriksen, B., Abegg-Wigg, A., Bleile, R. & Ickerodt, U. (Eds.) Interaktion ohne Grenzen : Beispiele archäologischer Forschungen am Beginn des 21 Jahrhunderts (pp. 557-564), 2. Wachholtz Verlag.
- Jennbert, K. (2017). Materialiserad tid : Arkeologins tidsbegrepp. In Salomon, K. (Ed.) Symposier på Krapperup, Tiden : Symposier på Krapperups borg nr 10 (pp. 115-130), 10. Makadam förlag.
- Jennbert, K. (2017). Resistance in the past and in archaeological research. In Sørensen, M. & Buck Pedersen, K. (Eds.) Arkeologiska Studier, Problems in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Research (pp. 23-36), 12. Copenhagen University.
- Larsson, L. (2017). Animals and animal depictions in the early Holocene of Northern Europe : Based on an antler adze with deer depictions. In Brieske, V., Dickers, A. & Rind, M. (Eds.) Veröffentlichungen der Altertumskommission für Westfalen Landschaftverband Westfalen-, Tiere und Tierdarstellungen in der Archäologie : Beiträge zum Kolloquium in Gedenken an Torsten Capelle, 30.–31. Oktober 2015 in Herne (pp. 63-73).
- Larsson, L. (2017). One face still lost but another gained. In Eriksen, B. V., Abegg-Wigg, A., Bleile, R. & Ickerodt, U. (Eds.) Interaction without borders : Exemplary archaeological research at the beginning of the 21st century : Festschrift für Claus von Carnap-Bornheim zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 111-111). Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen.
- Larsson, L. (2017). Submarine Settlement in the Öresund, Western Scania, Southernmost Sweden. In Bailey, G. N. & Sakellarious, D. (Eds.) Coastal Research Library, Under the Sea : Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf (pp. 165-165). Springer.
- Larsson, L. & Molin, F. (2017). Symbols in the Late Mesolithic : Ornaments on bone and antler from Strandvägen, Motala, in Central Sweden. In Mărgărit, M. & Boroneanț, A. (Eds.) From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers : Human adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the first part of the Holocene (pp. 397-408). Editura Cetatea de Scaun.
- Nilsson, M. & Martinez, P. (2017). In the footsteps of Ricardo Caminos : Rediscovering the Gebel el Silsila and its rock-cut temple. In Rosati, G. & Guidotti, M. C. (Eds.) Archaeopress Egyptology, Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists : Florence, Italy 23-30 August 2015 (pp. 441-445), 19. Archaeopress.
- Ohlsson, A. (2017). Små bröder och stora män : om Ystads franciskankonvent och några medeltida skånska aristokrater. In Ohlsson, A. & Ohlsson, T. (Eds.) Ystadiana 2017, Grabrøthræ kloster : klostret i Ystad 750 år (pp. 8-27). Ystads fornminnesförening.
- Olausson, D., Högberg, A. & Hughes, R. (2017). The Use of Non-Destructive Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Analysis for Sourcing Flint in Northern Europe: Progress to Date and Prospects for the Future : Progress to Date and Prospects for the Future. In Pereira, T., Terradas, X. & Bicho, N. F. (Eds.) The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory : Sourcing, Processing and Distribution (pp. 98-112). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Roos, P. (2017). Research in the rock-tombs of Caunus. In Diler, A., Özen, S., Cörtük, U., Doyran, M., Özen-Kleine, B., Akerdem, S., Özer, N. O. & Say Özer, Y. (Eds.) Basileus : 50. yilinda Kaunos/kbid. 50th anniversary of Caunus/kbid (pp. 15-30). Bilgin Kültür Sanat Sti..
- Roslund, M. (2017). Bringing "the Periphery" into Focus : Social Interaction between Baltic Finns and the Svear in the Viking Age and Crusade Period (c.800 to 1200). In Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Eds.) The Northern World, Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early Medieval Baltic and Beyond : Communicators and Communication (pp. 168-204), 75. Brill.
- Roslund, M. & Bäck, M. (2017). Kökets och bordets kärl i medeltidens Nyköping : internationellt varubyte och östsvensk urbanisering. In Carelli, P. (Ed.) Den nya köpingen : perspektiv på Nyköpings äldsta historia (pp. 53-91). Arkeologerna, Statens historiska museer.
- Vassallo, V. (2017). The archaeological collection of Ayia Irini (Cyprus) : A 3D digital approach to analyse and reinterpret a 20th century study. In Bombardieri, L., Amadio, M. & Dolcetti, F. (Eds.) Ancient Cyprus, an Unexpected Journey : Communities in Continuity and Transition (pp. 203-216). Artemide Edizioni.
- Wienberg, J. (2017). Conspicuous Architecture : Medieval Round Churches in Scandinavia. In Harjula, J., Hukantaival, S., Randla, A. & Ratilainen, T. (Eds.) Sacred Monuments and Practices in the Baltic Sea Region : New Visits to Old Churches (pp. 2-31). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- ANTHONY, S. (2016). Questions raised in excavating the recent dead. In Williams, H. & Giles, M. (Eds.) Archaeologists and the Dead : Mortuary Archaeology in Contemporary Society (pp. 21-38). Oxford University Press.
- Dell'Unto, N. (2016). Using 3D GIS Platforms to Analyse and Interpret the Past. In Forte, M. & Campana, S. (Eds.) Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology : Archaeology in the Age of Sensing (pp. 305-322). Springer.
- Eriksson, G. & Gardelin, G. (2016). Curia Lundensis : residenset, trädgårdarna och människorna. In Gustin, I., Hansson, M., Roslund, M. & Wienberg, J. (Eds.) Lund Studies in Historical Archaeology, Mellan slott och slagg : vänbok till Anders Ödman (pp. 45-51). Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia, Lunds universitet.
- Eriksson, G. & Håkansson, A. (2016). Greve Jakob Nielsens borgar i norra Halland. In Gustin, I., Hansson, M., Roslund, M. & Wienberg, J. (Eds.) Lund Studies in Historical Archaeology, Mellan slott och slagg : Vänbok till Anders Ödman (pp. 53-60). Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia, Lunds universitet.
- Ersgård, L. (2016). Change, desertion and survival : An archaeology of the late-medieval crisis. In Lagerås, P. (Ed.) Environment, Society and the Black Death : An interdisciplinary approach to the late-medieval crisis in Sweden (pp. 69-103). Oxbow Books.
- Ersgård, L. (2016). Studying the late-medieval crisis - reflections on research perspectives. In Lagerås, P. (Ed.) Environment, Society and the Black Death : An interdisciplinary approach to the late-medieval crisis in Sweden (pp. 151-156). Oxbow Books.