Book chapters (page 6 of 31)
- Larsson, L. (2018). New perspectives on the Battle Axe Culture of southern Sweden. In Valde-Nowak, P., Sobczyk, K., Nowak, M. & Zralka, J. (Eds.) Multas per gentes et multa per saecula : Amici magistro et collegae suo Ioanni Christopho Kozłowski dedicant (pp. 547-547). Jagiellonian University Press.
- Leander Touati, A.-M. (2018). Fragment of an amphora type A : Lund LA 655. In Reusser, C. & Bürge, M. (Eds.) Exekias hat mich gemalt und getöpfert : Ausstellung in der Archäologischen Sammlung der Universität Zürich 9.11.2018 - 31.3.2019 (pp. 292-294). Archäologische sammlung der Universität Zürich.
- Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (2018). Material Transformations : Introduction. In Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (Eds.) The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Monograph, Facing Otherness in Early Modern Sweden : Travel, Migration and Material Transformations, 1500–1800 (pp. 3-4), 10. Boydell & Brewer.
- Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (2018). Migration and Neighbourly Interactions : Introduction. In Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (Eds.) The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Monograph, Facing Otherness in Early Modern Sweden : Travel, Migration and Material Transformations, 1500–1800 (pp. 107-108), 10. Boydell & Brewer.
- Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (2018). Overseas Travel : Introduction. In Naum, M. & Ekengren, F. (Eds.) The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Monograph, Facing Otherness in Early Modern Sweden : Travel, Migration and Material Transformations 1500-1800 (pp. 241-242), 10. Boydell & Brewer.
- Nilsson, A. (2018). Mysteriet i Dalby Söderskog. In Blomberg, P. (Ed.) Dalby Söderskog nationalpark 100 år. Länsstyrelsen i Skåne.
- Nilsson, B., Sjöström, A. & Persson, P. (2018). Seascapes of stability and change: the archaeological and ecological potential of the early mesolithic seascapes with examples from Haväng in SE Baltic, Sweden. In Persson, P., Riede, F., Skar, B., Breivik, H. M. & Jonsson, L. (Eds.) The early sttlement of Northern Europe, Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Conditions for Subsistence and Survival The Early Settlement of Northern Europe, Volume 1 (pp. 335-352), 1. Equinox Publishing.
- Nilsson, M. (2018). From Epipalaeolithic petroglyphs to Roman graffiti : Stylistic variability of anthropomorphs at Gebel el Silsila (Upper Egypt). In Huyge, D. & van Noten, F. (Eds.) What Ever Happened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of Northern Africa : international conference (Brussels, 17, 18 & 19 September 2015) (pp. 445-460). Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences.
- Roos, P. (2018). Upptäckter och missar i kariska klippgravar. In Gerding, H., Brännstedt, L. & Forsell, R. (Eds.) Archaeology@Lund, Frusna ögonblick. Essäer tillägnade Anne-Marie Leander Touati (pp. 15-25), 14. Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia, Lunds universitet.
- Rystedt, E. (2018). Monumentet till kejsar Antoninus Pius i Rom. En andra återkomst. In Gerding, H., Brännstedt, L. & Forsell, R. (Eds.) Archaeology@Lund, Frusna ögonblick : Essäer tillägnade Anne-Marie Leander Touati (pp. 41-55), 14. Lund University: Department of Archaeology, Archaeology@Lund.
- Rystedt, E. (2018). The early Mycenaean chariot craters and the ceramic turn of a presumptive fresco motif. In Vlachopoulos, A. (Ed.) Chrosteres/Paintbrushes. Wall-painting and vase-painting of the 2nd millennium BC in dialogue : Proceedings of the international conference on Aegean iconography held at Akrotiri, Thera, 24-26 May 2013 (pp. 512-521).
- Stenholm, A. M. H. (2018). II 29 Landscape and mounds. Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies : Interdisciplinary Approaches, 607-612. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Ödman, A. (2018). Domkyrkoentreprenaden : förspel, genomförande och avslutning. In Ödman, A. & Cinthio, M. (Eds.) Vägar mot Lund : En antologi om stadens uppkomst, tidigaste utveckling och entreprenaden bakom de stora stenbyggnaderna (pp. 125-301). Historiska Media.
- Apel, J. & Storå, J. (2017). Ett återbesök i Stora Förvar och en ny bild av mesolitikum på Gotland. In Wallin, P. & Martinsson-Wallin, H. (Eds.) Arkeologi på Gotland 2 : Tillbakablickar och nya forskningsrön (pp. 9-18). Uppsala University.
- Apel, J. & Storå, J. (2017). The pioneer settlements of Gotland : A behavioral ecology approach. In Persson, P., Riede, F., Skar, B., Breivik, H. M. & Jonsson, L. (Eds.) The Early Settlement of Nothern Europe, The Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe : Conditions for subsistence and survival (pp. 277-309), 1. Equinox Publishing.
- Apel, J., Glödstad, H., Knutsson, K. & Knutsson, H. (2017). The early settlement of northern Europe : Technology and communication. In Knutsson, K., Knutsson, H. & Glörstad, H. (Eds.) The Early Settlement of Northern Europe, The Technology of Early Settlements in Northern Europe : Transmission of knowledge and culture (pp. 1-22), 2. Equinox Publishing.
- Brännstedt, L. (2017). En ny gudinna för en ny tid : Ovidius och Hersilias metamorfos. In Nilsson, A. M. H., Damtoft Poulsen, A. & Svensson, J. (Eds.) Humanitas : Festskrift till Arne Jönsson (pp. 141-145). Makadam förlag.
- Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (2017). Identity Formation and Diversity : Introduction. In Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Eds.) The Northern World, Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early Medieval Baltic and Beyond : Communicators and Communication. (pp. 1-16), 75. Brill.
- Dell'Unto, N., Nilsson, I.-M. & Wienberg, J. (2017). Time travel using 3D-methodologies : visualizing the medieval context of a batismal font. In Petersson, B. & Holtorf, C. (Eds.) The Archaeology of Time Travel : Experiencing the Past in the 21st Century (pp. 25-46). Archaeopress.
- Flemestad, P. & Olsen, B. A. (2017). Sabellic Textile Terminology. In Gaspa, S., Michel, C. & Nosch, M.-L. (Eds.) Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe 1000 BC – AD 1000 (pp. 210-227). Zea Books.
- Flemestad, P., Harlow, M., Hildebrandt, B. & Nosch, M.-L. (2017). Observations on the Terminology of Textile Tools in Diocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices. In Gaspa, S., Michel, C. & Nosch, M.-L. (Eds.) Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe 1000 BC – AD 1000 (pp. 256-277). Zea Books.
- Forsell, R. (2017). Thin walled ware, sigillata and Red Slip Pottery. In Karivieri, A. (Ed.) Papers and monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens, The Early Christian Basilic of Arethousa in Macedonia : Production, consumption and trade (pp. 127-137), 23. Finnish Institute at Athens.
- Gustin, I. (2017). Contacts, Identity and Hybridity : objects from South-western Finland in the Birka Graves. In Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (Eds.) The Northern World, Identity Formation and Diversity in the Early Medieval Baltic and Beyond : Communicators and Communication (pp. 205-258), 75. Brill.
- Gustin, I. (2017). Lounais-Suomen ja Ruotsin Mälarenin alueen yhteydet viikinkiaikan. In Lesell, K., Meriluoto, M. & Raninen, S. (Eds.) Tursiannotko : Tutkimuksia hämäläiskylästä viikinkiajalta keskiajalle (pp. 173-185). Tammerfors museum, Finland.
- Hansson, A., Björck, S., Linderson, H., Rundgren, M., Nilsson, B., Sjöström, A. & Hammarlund, D. (2017). Early Holocene Landscape Development and Baltic Sea History Based on High-Resolution Bathymetry and Lagoonal Sediments in the Hanö Bay, Southern Sweden. In Bailey, G. N., Harff, J. & Sakellariou, D. (Eds.) Coastal Research Library, Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf (pp. 197-209), 20. Springer.