Articles (page 9 of 29)
- Larsson, L. & Zagorska, I. (2018). Jaunākie pētījumi Zvejnieku arheoloģiskajā kompleksā. Arheologija un etnografija, 113-113.
- Larsson, M. (2018). Barley grain at Uppåkra, Sweden : evidence for selection in the Iron Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 27, 419-435. Springer.
- Leander Touati, A.-M. (2018). Pompeji i Stockholm : Historiserande hus som historia. Kungl. vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademiens årsbok, 2018, 211-234. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Lundqvist, K. (2018). Glas- och bärnstenspärlorna från ESS-gravfältet. ALE, 2018, 14-25. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. (2018). Updates from the ongoing excavations at Gebel el-Silsila: the New Kingdom cemetery & the Temple of Sobek. K M T: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, 29, 52-62. KMT Communications.
- Nilsson, M., Faraman, A. & Said, A. (2018). Some Rock Inscriptions from Gebel el-Silsila. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 104, 71-79. Egypt Exploration Society.
- Nilsson, M., Ward, J., Faraman, A. & Hodgin, R. (2018). Private Scarabs from Gebel el-Silsila found during Excavations in the New Kingdom Necropolis. Abgadiyat, 13, 18-31. Brill.
- Ottosson Berggren, ?. & Gutehall, A. (2018). From analogue to digital a study of documentation methods during an excavation of the Neolithic flint mines at Pilbladet, Sweden. Current Swedish Archaeology, 26, 119-158. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.
- Roslund, M. (2018). Stadsbor : urbana aktörer, subjektiv interaktionism och social neurovetenskap i tidigmedeltidens Sigtuna och Nyköping. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2018, 21-46. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Taylor, J., Issavi, J., Berggren, ?., Lukas, D., Mazuccato, C., Tung, B. & Dell'Unto, N. (2018). 'The Rise of the Machine' : the impact of digital tablet recording in the field at Çatalhöyük. Internet Archaeology, 47. Department of Archaeology, University of York.
- Tornberg, A. (2018). Stature and the Neolithic transition– Skeletal evidence from southern Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 17, 58-67. Elsevier.
- Tornberg, A. & Jacobsson, L. (2018). Care and consequences of traumatic brain injury in Neolithic Sweden : A case study of ante mortem skull trauma and brain injury addressed through the bioarchaeology of care. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 28, 188-198. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Wienberg, J. (2018). Från Hunnestad till Lund – ett monument skiftar mening. Kulturen: en årsbok till medlemmarna av Kulturhistoriska föreningen för södra Sverige, 2018, 110-129. Kulturen i Lund.
- Wienberg, J. (2018). Runstenshögen i Lund – ett bortglömt minnesmärke. ALE, 2018, 1-9. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Boethius, A. (2017). Signals of sedentism : Faunal exploitation as evidence of a delayed-return economy at Norje Sunnansund, an Early Mesolithic site in south-eastern Sweden. Quaternary Science Reviews, 162, 145-168. Elsevier.
- Boethius, A., Storå, J., Hongslo Vala, C. & Apel, J. (2017). The importance of freshwater fish in Early Holocene subsistence : Exemplified with the human colonization of the island of Gotland in the Baltic basin. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 13, 625-634. Elsevier.
- Dell'Unto, N., Landeschi, G., Apel, J. & Poggi, G. (2017). 4D Recording at the Trowel’s Edge : Using Three-Dimensional Simulation Platforms to Support Field Interpretation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 632-645. Elsevier.
- Dunér, D. (2017). On the Plausibility of Intelligent Life on Other Worlds : A Cognitive-Semiotic Assessment of fi · fc · L. Environmental Humanities, 9, 433-453. Duke University Press.
- Ekengren, F. & Hansson, M. (2017). Editorial. Lund Archaeological Review, 22, 5-6. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Eriksson, G. (2017). Vid foten av jätten Finn : Nya arkeologiska fynd i domkyrkans krypta. ALE, 2017, 17-26. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Gerding, H. & Dell'Unto, N. (2017). La Basilica Sempronia e il Foro Romano di Età Repubblicana. Forma urbis. Itinerari nascosti di Roma antica, 22, 45-48.
- Gron, K. J., Gröcke, D. R., Larsson, M., Sørensen, L., Larsson, L., Rowley-Conwy, P. & Church, M. J. (2017). Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 14, 575-579. Elsevier.
- Gustin, I., Price, D. T., Arcini, C., Drenzel, L. & Kalmring, S. (2017). Isotopes and Human Burials at Viking Age Birka and the Mälaren Region, East Central Sweden. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 49 (2018), 19-38. Elsevier.
- Hansson, M. (2017). Småstäder och andra orter i senmedeltidens Småland. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2017, 73-86. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Koutsouflakis, G., Theodoulou, T. & Foley, B. (2017). ΑΥΤΟΨΙΑ ΣΕ EΝΑ ΑΓΝΩΣΤΟ ΝΑΥAΓΙΟ — Στη νήσο Κυρα-Παναγιά. ΕΝΑΛΙΑ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΑ, 123, 49-57.