Articles (page 10 of 29)
- Kärfve, F. (2017). Antiksamlingen i Lund. Medusa: svensk tidskrift för antiken, 31-31. Föreningen för en svensk antiktidskrift.
- Larsson, L. (2017). A miniature in amber of a battle-axe from the Battle-Axe Culture. Adoranten, 2017, 48-54.
- Larsson, L. (2017). Ett märkligt, mer än 7500 årigt hornföremål från Ystadstrakten. ALE, 2017, 9-9. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Larsson, L. (2017). The past in the past in the mortuary practice of hunter-gatherers : An example from a settlement and cemetery site in northern Latvia. Documenta Praehistorica, 44, 338-345. Univerza v Ljubljani.
- Larsson, L. & Molin, F. (2017). Decoration of bone and antler artefacts as an indication of Mesolithic networks : Finds from a central Swedish late Mesolithic site. Samara Journal of Science, 6, 85-85.
- Larsson, L., Sjöström, A. & Heron, C. (2017). The Rönneholm Arrow : A Find of a Wooden Arrow-tip with Microliths in the Bog Rönneholms Mosse, Central Scania, Southern Sweden. Lund Archaeological Review, 22, 7-20. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Larsson, L., Stutz, L. N., Zagorska, I., Bērziņš, V. & Ceriņa, A. (2017). NEW ASPECTS OF THE MESOLITHIC-NEOLITHIC CEMETERIES AND SETTLEMENT AT ZVEJNIEKI, NORTHERN LATVIA. Acta Archaeologica, 88, 57-93. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Leander Touati, A.-M., Brännstedt, L. & Gerding, H. (2017). Från kraftprov till systembejakande talmagi : Jubileer i antiken. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 119, 677-698. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Macheridis, S. (2017). Centralization at Asine during the Bronze Age from a zooarchaeological perspective. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 17, 159-174. Universidad Central.
- Macheridis, S. (2017). Symbolic connotations of animals at early Middle Helladic Asine : A comparative study of the animal bones from settlement and its graves. Opuscula, 10, 128-152. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Macheridis, S. (2017). The use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) in taphonomy : The case of Middle Helladic Asine, Greece. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 27, 477-487. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Meiri, M., Stockhammer, P. W., Marom, N., Bar-Oz, G., Sapir-Hen, L., Morgenstern, P., Macheridis, S., Rosen, B., Huchon, D., Maran, J. & Finkelstein, I. (2017). Eastern Mediterranean Mobility in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages : Inferences from Ancient DNA of Pigs and Cattle. Scientific Reports, 7. Nature Publishing Group.
- Nilsson, M. & Ward, J. (2017). Five “New” deities in the Roman Pantheon at Gebel el-Silsila. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 14, 22-30. University of Arizona.
- Olausson, D. (2017). Knapping Skill and Craft Specialization in Late Neolithic Flint Daggers. Lithic Technology, 42, 127-139. Department of Antrhropology, University of Tulsa.
- Olsson, H. (2017). L'agro blerano tra V e I secolo a.C. Dati di ricognizioni archeologiche a confronto. Forma urbis. Itinerari nascosti di Roma antica, 22, 49-54.
- Price, D. T., Frei, R., Bäckström, Y., Frei, K. M. & Ingvarsson-Sundstrom, A. (2017). Origins of inhabitants from the 16th century Sala (Sweden) silver mine cemetery – A lead isotope perspective. Journal of Archaeological Science, 80, 1-13. Academic Press.
- Roos, P. (2017). The stadion of Labraunda. Opuscula, 10, 107-127. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Sjögren, K. G., Ahlström, T., Blank, M., Price, T. D., Frei, K. M. & Hollund, H. I. (2017). Early Neolithic Human Bog Finds from Falbygden, Western Sweden : New Isotopic, Osteological and Histological Investigations. Journal of Neolithic Archaeology, 19 (2017).
- Tornberg, A. (2017). Diet, Toothache and Burial Diversity. Lund Archaeological Review, 22, 21-37. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Wilhelmson, H. (2017). Shifting diet, shifting culture? : A bioarchaeological approach to island dietary development on Iron-Age Öland, Baltic Sea. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 163, 264-284. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Wilhelmson, H. & Price, D. T. (2017). Migration and integration on the Baltic island of Öland in the Iron Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 183-196. Elsevier.
- Andersson, H. (2016). Urban or Urbanization?. Norwegian Archaeological Review, 49, 62-64. Taylor & Francis.
- Boethius, A. (2016). Something rotten in Scandinavia : The world's earliest evidence of fermentation. Journal of Archaeological Science, 66, 169-180. Academic Press.
- Bäckström, Y. & Price, T. D. (2016). Social Identity and Mobility at a Pre-industrial Mining Complex, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science, 66, 154-168. Academic Press.
- Börjesson, L., Dell'Unto, N., Huvila, I., Larsson, C., Löwenborg, D., Petersson, B. & Stenborg, P. (2016). A neo-documentalist lens for exploring the premises of disciplinary knowledge making. Proceedings from the annual meeting of the Document Academy, 3, 1-23.