Artiklar (sida 5 av 29)
- Tornberg, A. (2022). Beyond the age of 60+ : Evidence of an elderly female from the Neolithic-Early Bronze Age using Transition Analysis 3 age estimation. Fornvännen, 117, 134-139. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Trinks, I., Gabler, M., Wallner, M., Nau, E., Hinterleitner, A., Filzwieser, R., Larsson, L. & Neubauer, W. (2022). Traces of a Swedish army camp from 1644 revealed at Uppåkra by extensive magnetometer survey. Archaeological Prospection, 29, 125-138. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Wienberg, J. (2022). Kunglig symbolik i Skånelands kyrkor - då Östdanmark blev Sydsverige. ALE, 2022, 19-40. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Wienberg, J. & Petersson, B. (2022). Tid, arkeologi och konst : Kulturpelaren i Lund. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2022, 7-36. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Ahlström, T. & Price, D. T. (2021). Mobile or stationary? An analysis of strontium and carbon isotopes from Västerbjers, Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 36. Elsevier.
- Boethius, A., Kjällquist, M., Kielman-Schmitt, M., Ahlström, T. & Larsson, L. (2021). Early Holocene Scandinavian foragers on a journey to affluence : Mesolithic fish exploitation, seasonal abundance and storage investigated through strontium isotope ratios by laser ablation. PLoS ONE, 16. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Bondetti, M., González Carretero, L., Dolbunova, E., McGrath, K., Presslee, S., Lucquin, A., Tsybriy, V., Mazurkevich, A., Tsybriy, A., Jordan, P., Heron, C., Meadows, J. & Craig, O. (2021). Neolithic farmers or Neolithic foragers? : Organic residue analysis of early pottery from Rakushechny Yar on the Lower Don (Russia). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13. Springer.
- Campanaro, D. M. (2021). Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) and Archaeology: Old Tool, New Model. European Journal of Archaeology, 24, 412-432. Cambridge University Press.
- Ciucani, M. M., Jensen, J. K., Sinding, M.-H. S., Smith, O., Lucenti, S. B., Rosengren, E., Rook, L., Tuveri, C., Arca, M., Cappellini, E., Galaverni, M., Randi, E., Guo, C., Zhang, G., Sicheritz-Pontén, T., Dalén, L., Gilbert, M. T. P. & Gopalakrishnan, S. (2021). Evolutionary history of the extinct Sardinian dhole. Current biology : CB, 31, 1-9. Elsevier.
- Derudas, P. & Berggren, ?. (2021). Expanding Field-Archaeology Education : The Integration of 3D Technology into Archaeological Training. Open Archaeology, 7, 556-573. De Gruyter.
- Derudas, P., Dell'Unto, N., Callieri, M. & Apel, J. (2021). Sharing archaeological knowledge : The Interactive Reporting System. Journal of Field Archaeology, 46, 303-315. Maney Publishing.
- Edvardsson, J., Magnell, O., Hansson, A., Linderson, H., Sjöström, A. & Nilsson, B. (2021). Early Holocene bark-stripping damages as an indicator of large herbivores: Evidence from a submerged Mesolithic landscape in the Haväng area, southern Baltic basin. The Holocene, 31, 1670-1680. SAGE Publications.
- Ekengren, F., Callieri, M., Dininno, D., Berggren, ?., Macheridis, S. & Dell'Unto, N. (2021). Dynamic Collections : A 3D Web Infrastructure for Artifact Engagement. Open Archaeology, 7, 337-352. De Gruyter.
- Fauvelle, M. & Somerville, A. (2021). Spatial and temporal variation in fisher-hunter-gatherer diets in southern California : Bayesian modeling using new baseline stable isotope values. Quaternary International, 601, 36-48. Pergamon Press Ltd..
- Fauvelle, M. & Somerville, A. D. (2021). Surf and turf : A dataset of stable isotope values of plants and animals from southern California. Data in Brief, 38. Elsevier.
- Gerding, H. (2021). The topography of Hermione : A preliminary outline. Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes At Athens and Rome, 14, 77-99. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Gron, K. J., Larsson, M., Gröcke, D. R., Andersen, N. H., Andreasen, M. H., Bech, J. H., Henriksen, P. S., Hilton, R. G., Jessen, M. D., Møller, N. A., Nielsen, F. O., Nielsen, P. O., Pihl, A., Sørensen, L., Westphal, J., Rowley-Conwy, P. & Church, M. J. (2021). Archaeological cereals as an isotope record of long-term soil health and anthropogenic amendment in southern Scandinavia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 253. Elsevier.
- Grøn, O., Boldreel, L. O., Smith, M. F., Joy, S., Boumda, R. T., Mäder, A., Bleicher, N., Madsen, B., Cvikel, D., Nilsson, B., Sjöström, A., Galili, E., Nørmark, E., Hu, C., Ren, Q., Blondel, P., Gao, X., Stråkendal, P. & Dell’anno, A. (2021). Acoustic mapping of submerged stone age sites—A HALD approach. Remote Sensing, 13. MDPI AG.
- Hansson, A., Linderson, H. & Foley, B. (2021). The Danish royal flagship gribshunden : Dendrochronology on a late medieval carvel sunk in the Baltic Sea. Dendrochronologia, 68. Elsevier.
- Hansson, M. (2021). Byggnader med inskrifter och bilder i renässansens Skåne cirka 1450–1658. ALE, 2021, 11-30. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Jennbert, K. (2021). Post-Humanistic Approaches in Archaeology. Current Swedish Archaeology, 29, 43-47. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.
- Jordan, P. (2021). Technology as Human Social Tradition : 15 Trait-Based Datasets of Hunter-Gatherer Material Culture (Northwest Siberia, Pacific Northwest Coast, Northern California). Internet Archaeology, 56. Department of Archaeology, University of York.
- Keighley, X., Bro-Jørgensen, M. H., Ahlgren, H., Szpak, P., Ciucani, M. M., Sánchez Barreiro, F., Howse, L., Gotfredsen, A. B., Glykou, A., Jordan, P., Lidén, K. & Olsen, M. T. (2021). Predicting sample success for large-scale ancient DNA studies on marine mammals. Molecular Ecology Resources, 21, 1149-1166. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Krzewińska, M., Rodríguez-Varela, R., Ahlström Arcini, C., Ahlström, T., Hertzman, N., Storå, J. & Götherström, A. (2021). Related in death? A curious case of a foetus hidden in bishop Peder Winstrup's coffin in Lund, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37. Elsevier.
- Leander Touati, A.-M., Staub, T. & Forsell, R. (2021). From 2D and 3D documentation to 4D interpretation : Building archaeological conclusions and workflow strategies gained by remote study of Insula V 1, Pompeii. Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes At Athens and Rome, 14, 181-226. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.