Artiklar (sida 1 av 29)
- Fauvelle, M. (2025). The Trade Theory of Money : External Exchange and the Origins of Money. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 32. Springer.
- Hjorthén, A., Salö, L., Brännstedt, L. & Silow Kallenberg, K. (2025). Regeringen försummar humanioras betydelse. Altinget.
- Larsson, L. & Molin, F. (2025). The Biography of a Fragment : A Late Mesolithic Antler Object from the Strandvägen Site, South Central Sweden. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 44, 40-56. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Tornberg, A. & Vandkilde, H. (2025). Modelling age at death reveals Nordic Corded Ware paleodemography. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 17. Springer.
- Allentoft, M. E., Sikora, M., Refoyo-Martínez, A., Irving-Pease, E. K., Fischer, A., Barrie, W., Ingason, A., Stenderup, J., Sjögren, K. G., Pearson, A., Sousa da Mota, B., Schulz Paulsson, B., Halgren, A., Macleod, R., Jørkov, M. L. S., Demeter, F., Sørensen, L., Nielsen, P. O., Henriksen, R. A., Vimala, T., McColl, H., Margaryan, A., Ilardo, M., Vaughn, A., Fischer Mortensen, M., Nielsen, A. B., Ulfeldt Hede, M., Johannsen, N. N., Rasmussen, P., Vinner, L., Renaud, G., Stern, A., Jensen, T. Z. T., Scorrano, G., Schroeder, H., Lysdahl, P., Ramsøe, A. D., Skorobogatov, A., Schork, A. J., Rosengren, A., Ruter, A., Outram, A., Timoshenko, A. A., Buzhilova, A., Coppa, A., Zubova, A., Silva, A. M., Hansen, A. J., Gromov, A., Logvin, A., Gotfredsen, A. B., Henning Nielsen, B., González-Rabanal, B., Lalueza-Fox, C., McKenzie, C. J., Gaunitz, C., Blasco, C., Liesau, C., Martinez-Labarga, C., Pozdnyakov, D. V., Cuenca-Solana, D., Lordkipanidze, D. O., En’shin, D., Salazar-García, D. C., Price, T. D., Borić, D., Kostyleva, E., Veselovskaya, E. V., Usmanova, E. R., Cappellini, E., Brinch Petersen, E., Kannegaard, E., Radina, F., Eylem Yediay, F., Duday, H., Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I., Merts, I., Potekhina, I., Shevnina, I., Altinkaya, I., Guilaine, J., Hansen, J., Aura Tortosa, J. E., Zilhão, J., Vega, J., Buck Pedersen, K., Tunia, K., Zhao, L., Mylnikova, L. N., Larsson, L., Metz, L., Yepiskoposyan, L., Pedersen, L., Sarti, L., Orlando, L., Slimak, L., Klassen, L., Blank, M., González-Morales, M., Silvestrini, M., Vretemark, M., Nesterova, M. S., Rykun, M., Rolfo, M. F., Szmyt, M., Przybyła, M., Calattini, M., Sablin, M., Dobisíková, M., Meldgaard, M., Johansen, M., Berezina, N., Card, N., Saveliev, N. A., Poshekhonova, O., Rickards, O., Lozovskaya, O. V., Gábor, O., Uldum, O. C., Aurino, P., Kosintsev, P., Courtaud, P., Ríos, P., Mortensen, P., Lotz, P., Persson, P., Bangsgaard, P., de Barros Damgaard, P., Vang Petersen, P., Martinez, P. P., Włodarczak, P., Smolyaninov, R. V., Maring, R., Menduiña, R., Badalyan, R., Iversen, R., Turin, R., Vasilyev, S., Wåhlin, S., Borutskaya, S., Skochina, S., Sørensen, S. A., Andersen, S. H., Jørgensen, T., Serikov, Y. B., Molodin, V. I., Smrcka, V., Merts, V., Appadurai, V., Moiseyev, V., Magnusson, Y., Kjær, K. H., Lynnerup, N., Lawson, D. J., Sudmant, P. H., Rasmussen, S., Korneliussen, T. S., Durbin, R., Nielsen, R., Delaneau, O., Werge, T., Racimo, F., Kristiansen, K. & Willerslev, E. (2024). Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia. Nature, 625, 301-311. Nature Publishing Group.
- Back Danielsson, I.-M. & Niklasson, E. (2024). Editorial. Current Swedish Archaeology, 32, 7-9. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.
- Baker, K. H., Miller, H., Doherty, S., Gray, H. W., Daujat, J., Çakırlar, C., Spassov, N., Trantalidou, K., Lamb, A., Magdwick, R., Strid, L., Evans, J. A., Hoelzel, A. R. & Sykes, N. (2024). The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121. National Academy of Sciences.
- Boethius, A., Storå, J. & Gustavsson, R. (2024). Advances and prerequisites for strontium isotope analyses through laser ablation in an aquatic context – Targeting Mid-Neolithic Baltic Sea harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) mobility and breeding grounds. Quaternary Science Reviews, 331. Elsevier.
- Boethius, A., Storå, J., Gustavsson, R. & Kielman-Schmitt, M. (2024). Mobility among the stone age island foragers of Jettböle, Åland, investigated through high-resolution strontium isotope ratio analysis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 328. Elsevier.
- Brorsson, T., Johansson, E. & Kjellberg, J. (2024). Äldre rödgods från Studentholmen i Uppsala - en undersökning av proveniens genom pXRF- och ICP-analys. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2024, 61-78. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Burström, N. M., Ewing, A., Hedlund, R., Hårdh, B., Ingvardson, G. T., Jonsson, K., Kilger, C., Lundberg, L. & Moesgaard, J. C. (2024). Debatt Kan samhällets rätt till ett kulturarv upphöra på grund av stöld?. Fornvannen, 2024, 68-70. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Cafaro, C., Ali, Z., Lamarca, A., Di Bello, D. T., Lozano, L. D., Ekdahl, L., Thodberg, M., Pertesi, M., Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A. & Nilsson, B. (2024). The insertion/deletion polymorphism rs201494641 at ITGA9 influences blood CD34+ cell levels by altering ZNF384 binding. Haematologica, 109, 3059-3062. Ferrata Storti Foundation.
- Callmer, J., Gustin, I. & Roslund, M. (2024). Baltic Finnic and Scandinavian Social Interaction in the Fur-hunting North, c AD 700-1200. Medieval Archaeology, 68, 331-357. Maney Publishing.
- Campanaro, D. M. & Landeschi, G. (2024). Visual Experience in a Pompeian Domestic Space : Analysis Using Virtual Reality–Based Eye Tracking and GIS. American Journal of Archaeology, 128. Archaeological Institute of America.
- Dell'Unto, N. (2024). Navigating the Digital Limes : Transformative Practices and Challenges in Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology. Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes At Athens and Rome, 17, 251-257. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Derudas, P. & Foley, B. (2024). Managing Data from Maritime Archaeology Investigations : AIR at Gribshunden. Acta Archaeologica, 94, 146-166. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Emily Ruiz Puerta, E., Jarrett, G., McCarthy, M. L., En Pan, S., Keighley, X., Aiken, M., Zampirolo, G., Loonen, M. J. J. E., Gotfredsen, A. B., Howse, L. R., Szpak, P., Pálsson, S., Rufolo, S., Malmquist, H. J., Desjardins, S., Olsen, M. T. & Jordan, P. (2024). Greenland Norse walrus exploitation deep into the Arctic. Science Advances, 10. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
- Fauvelle, M. & Montenegro, A. (2024). Do stormy seas lead to better boats? : Exploring the origins of the southern Californian plank canoe through ocean voyage modeling. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. Taylor & Francis.
- Fauvelle, M. & Somerville, A. (2024). Diet, Status, and incipient social Inequality : Stable isotope data from three complex Fisher-Hunter-Gatherer sites in southern California. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 73. Elsevier.
- Fauvelle, M., Horn, C., Alvå, J. & Artursson, M. (2024). Skin boats in Scandinavia? Evaluating the Maritime Technologies of the Neolithic Pitted Ware Culture. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 19, 489-515. Springer.
- Fauvelle, M., Sasaki, S. & Jordan, P. (2024). Maritime Technologies and Coastal Identities : Seafaring and Social Complexity in Indigenous California and Hokkaido. Indigenous Studies and Cultural Diversity, 1, 30-52.
- Foley, B. (2024). Interim Report on Gribshunden (1495) Excavations: 2019–2021. Acta Archaeologica, 94, 132-145. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hansson, A., Kjällquist, M. & Boethius, A. (2024). Caring for preservation - coring for prehistoric life. Revisiting 15 000 years of sedimentation at the Ageröd peatland, Southern Sweden. Quaternary Environments and Humans, 2. Elsevier.
- Hårdh, B. (2024). The Hoard from the Secretaire. Lund Archaeological Review, 28–29, 19-35. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Johansson, E. (2024). Revisiting the medieval Scandiavian ceramic censers - new comparisons, new interpretations. Medieval Ceramics, 42, 23-40.