Book chapters (page 20 of 31)
- Holtorf, C. (2006). Response. In Russell, I. (Ed.) Images, Representations and Heritage. Moving beyond Modern Approaches to Archaeology (pp. 180-182). Springer.
- Holtorf, C. (2006). Should heritage management be democratized? The Denkmalpflegediskussion in Germany. In Alzén, A. & Aronsson, P. (Eds.) Demokratiskt kulturarv? Nationella institutioner, universella värden, lokala praktiker. (pp. 103-115). Linköping University.
- Holtorf, C. (2006). Studying archaeological fieldwork in the field: Views from Monte Polizzo. In Edgeworth, M. (Ed.) Ethnographies of Archaeological Practice: Cultural Encounters, Material Transformations. (pp. 81-94). AltaMira Press.
- Holtorf, C. & Williams, H. (2006). Landscapes and memories. In Hicks, D. & Beaudry, M. (Eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology (pp. 235-254). Cambridge University Press.
- Hårdh, B. (2006). The Uppåkra beaker. A discussion of the figure representations. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes and interactions (pp. 254-258).
- Jennbert, K. (2006). The heroized dead. People, animals, and materiality in Scandinavian death rituals, AD 200-1000. In Jennbert, K., Andrén, A. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse Religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes, and interactions. Nordic Academic Press.
- Jennbert, K., Andrén, A. & Raudvere, C. (2006). Old Norse Religion. Some problems and prospects. In Jennbert, K., Andrén, A. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse Religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes, and interactions. Nordic Academic Press.
- Larsson, L. (2006). A tooth for a tooth. Tooth ornaments from the graves at the cemeteries of Zvejnieki. In Larsson, L. & Zagorska, I. (Eds.) Back to the origin. New research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki cemetery and invironment, northern Latvia (pp. 253-287).
- Larsson, L. (2006). Flint and fire - destruction of wealth. In Körlin, G. & Weisgerber, G. (Eds.) Stone Age-Mining Age (pp. 403-412).
- Larsson, L. (2006). Hall, harg eller hof. Ett kulthus i Uppåkra. In Anglert, M., Artursson, M. & Svanberg, F. (Eds.) Kulthus & dödshus. Det ritualiserade rummets teori och praktik (pp. 143-152).
- Larsson, L. (2006). Ritual building and ritual space. Aspects of investigations at the Iron Age central site Uppåkra, Scania, Sweden. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives. Origin, changes, and interactions (pp. 248-253).
- Larsson, L. (2006). Syd i nord och nord i syd. Iakttagelser och funderingar vid undersökning av en megalitgrav i södra Portugal. In Glørstad, H., Skaar, B. & Skre, D. (Eds.) Historien i forhistorien. Festskrift till Einar Østmo på 60-årsdagen (pp. 41-48).
- Larsson, L. (2006). The Ritual Use of Wetlands during the Neolithic: A Local Study in Southernmost Sweden. In Lillie, M. & Ellis, S. (Eds.) Wetland archaeology and Environments: Regional Issues, Global Perspectives (pp. 79-90).
- Larsson, L. & Hårdh, B. (2006). Kulthuset i Uppåkra. In Andrén, A. & Carelli, P. (Eds.) Odens öga - mellan människor och makter i det förkristna Norden (pp. 177-182).
- Nilsson Stutz, L. (2006). Escaping the Allure of Meaning. Toward new paradigms in the study of ritual in prehistory. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse Religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes, and interactions (pp. 95-98). Nordic Academic Press.
- Nilsson Stutz, L. (2006). Unwrapping the Dead. Searching for evidence of wrappings in the mortuary practices at Zvejnieki. In Larsson, L. & Zagorska, I. (Eds.) Back to the Origin. New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki cemetery and environment, northern Latvia (pp. 217-233). Almqvist & Wiksell.
- Roslund, M. (2006). Kulturmötets konsekvenser. ”Slaviseringen” av den skandinaviska keramiktraditionen. In Burström, M. (Ed.) Arkeologi och mångkultur. Södertörn Archaeological Studies 4. (pp. 59-76).
- Roslund, M. (2006). Olifanten lever! I återanvändningen skrivs tingens biografi. Kulturen.
- Rudebeck, E. (2006). Kulthus och huskult – aspekter på de tidigneolitiska långhögarna. In Anglert, M., Artursson, M. & Svanberg, F. (Eds.) Kulthus & dödshus. Det ritualiserade rummets teori och praktik. (pp. 9-20). Riksantikvarieämbetet.
- Rystedt, E. (2006). Athens in Etruria. A note on Panathenaic amphorae and Attic ceramic imagery in Etruria. In Herring, E., Lemos, I., Lo Schiavo, F., Vagnetti, L., Whitehouse, R. & Wilkins, J. (Eds.) Across Frontiers. Studies in Honour of David Ridgway and Francesca Romana Serra Ridgway (Accordia Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean) (pp. 497-506), 6. Accordia Research Institute, University of London.
- Rystedt, E. (2006). Introduction. In Rystedt, E. & Wells, B. (Eds.) Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric Pottery. Papers from Two Seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen / Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae) (pp. 9-11), 53. Swedish Institute at Athens.
- Rystedt, E. (2006). Pictorial matter, pictorial form. A view from Mycenae towards Athens. In Rystedt, E. & Wells, B. (Eds.) Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric pottery. Papers from Two Seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen / Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae) (pp. 239-245), 53. Swedish Institute at Athens.
- Rystedt, E. (2006). Tracing stylistic evolution in Mycenaean pictorial vase painting. In Rystedt, E. & Wells, B. (Eds.) Pictorial Pursuits: Figurative Painting on Mycenaean and Geometric pottery. Papers from Two Seminars at the Swedish Institute at Athens in 1999 and 2001 (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen / Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae) (pp. 123-129), 53. Swedish Institute at Athens.
- Ströbeck, L. (2006). The Roman Iron Age in perspectives and perceptions. In Andrén, A., Jennbert, K. & Raudvere, C. (Eds.) Old Norse religion in long-term perspectives. Origins, changes, and interactions. (Series Vägar till Midgård 8). Nordic Academic Press.
- Thomasson, J. (2006). Byggnadskulturen, stadsrummet och borgerskapet. In Larsson, S. (Ed.) Liljan –om arkeologi i en del av Malmö (pp. 170-193). Riksantikvarieämbetet.