Book chapters (page 11 of 31)
- Larsson, L. & Broström, S.-G. (2014). Stensborg : Mass destruction of axes and cereals reflecting southern contacts of the Funnel Beaker societies in southern Sweden. In Furholt, M., MIschka, D., Noble, G., Olausson, D. & Hinz, M. (Eds.) Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung, Landscapes, Histories and Societies in the Northern European Neolithic (pp. 303-303), 4. Wachholtz Verlag.
- Leander Touati, A.-M. (2014). Rediscovery of a donator : F.W. Spiegelthal, Swedish consul at Smyrna. In Karlsson, L., Carlsson, S. & Blid Kullberg, J. (Eds.) Labrys : Studies presented to Pontus Hellström (Boreas : Uppsala Studies in Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 35) (pp. 271-277), 35. Uppsala universitet.
- Olausson, D. (2014). The "Mental" in Monumental : Battle Axe Culture in megalithic tombs in southern Sweden. In Furholt, M., Hinz, M., Mischka, D., Noble, G. & Olausson, D. (Eds.) Landscapes, histories and societies in the Northern European Neolithic (pp. 261-274). Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der CAU Kiel / Habelt.
- Roos, P. (2014). Göktepe in Caria. In Karlsson, L., Carlsson, S. & Blid Kullberg, J. (Eds.) Boreas, Labrys: Studies presented to Pontus Hellström (pp. 497-505). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Roslund, M. (2014). De första städerna. In Sjöberg, M. (Ed.) En samtidig världshistoria. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Roslund, M. (2014). Sicilien, Siqiliya, Sikelö : öppningar till en transnationell historia. Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitetsakademiens årsbok, 161-175. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Rystedt, E. (2014). Looking (again) at the grave stelai of Smyrna. In Karlsson, L., Carlsson, S. & Blid Kullberg, J. (Eds.) Boreas, LABRYS : Studies presented to Pontus Hellström (pp. 289-299), 35. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Wikander, ?. (2014). Early water-mills east of the Rhine. In Karlsson, L., Carlsson, S. & Blid Kullberg, J. (Eds.) Boreas, ΛΑΒΡΥΣ : Studies presented to Pontus Hellström (pp. 205-219), 35. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Ahlström, T. (2013). Setting her even straighter : Further notes on the osteology and necrodynamics of the Mesolithic burial from Barum, Scania, Sweden. In Bergerbrant, S. & Sabatini, S. (Eds.) BAR International series, Counterpoint : Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen (pp. 273-281), 2508. Archaeopress.
- Andersson, M. & Wallebom, B. (2013). Döserygg and Skegrie : New light on the megalithic graves in south-west Scania, southern Sweden. In Bakker, J., Bloo, S. & Dütting, M. (Eds.) From funeral monuments to household pottery : current advances in Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB/TBK) research : proceedings of the BorgerMeetings 2009, The Netherlands. (pp. 121-134), BAR International series 2474. Archaeopress.
- Andersson, M. & Wallebom, B. (2013). Döserygg and Skegrie. Megalithic centres in south-west Scania, southern Sweden. In Fontijn, D. R., Louwen, A., Van der Vaart, S. & Wentink, K. (Eds.) Beyond barrows: current research on the structuration and perception of the prehistoric landscape through monuments. (pp. 115-140). Sidestone Press.
- Bergqvist, J. & Lindeblad, K. (2013). Storgårdar under vikingatid och tidigmedeltid. In Hedvall, R., Lindeblad, K. & Menander, H. (Eds.) Borgare, bröder och bönder. Arkeologiska perspektiv på Skänninges äldre historia. (pp. 87-103). Riksantikvarieämbetet.
- Dell'Unto, N., Leander Touati, A.-M., Ferdani, D., Dellepiane, M., Callieri, M. & Lindgren, S. (2013). Digital reconstruction and visualization in archaeology Case-study drawn from the work of the Swedish Pompeii Project. In Addison, A. C., Guidi, G., De Luca, L. & Pescarin, S. (Eds.) 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (pp. 621-628). IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Ekengren, F. (2013). Contextualising Grave Goods. Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Implications. In Nilsson Stutz, L. & Tarlow, S. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial (pp. 173-192). Oxford University Press.
- Ekengren, F. (2013). Materialities on the Move: Identity and Material Culture among the Forest Finns in 17th Century Sweden and America. In Naum, M. & Nordin, J. M. (Eds.) Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena (pp. 147-165). Springer.
- Ekengren, F., Naum, M. & Zagal-Mach Wolfe, U. I. (2013). Sweden in the Delaware Valley: Everyday Life and Material Culture in New Sweden. In Naum, M. & Nordin, J. M. (Eds.) Scandinavian Colonialism and the Rise of Modernity: Small Time Agents in a Global Arena (pp. 169-187). Springer.
- Ersgård, L. (2013). Tidigmoderna städer i Sverige : en arkeologisk forskningsöversikt. In Ersgård, L. (Ed.) Visioner och verklighet : arkeologiska texter om den tidigmoderna staden (pp. 30-54), 76. Institutionen för historiska studier, Göteborgs universitet.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Aigina. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 284-293). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Carthage. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 307-318). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Loryma. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 372-375). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Matalon. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 389-392). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Oiniadai. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 410-419). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Rhodes. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 509-517). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Roofs and superstructures. In Blackman, D. & Rankov, B. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 141-184). Cambridge University Press.
- Gerding, H. (2013). Syracuse. In Blackman, D. & McKenzie, J. (Eds.) Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean (pp. 535-541). Cambridge University Press.