Articles (page 2 of 29)
- Krooks, B. & Boethius, A. (2024). Freshwater exploitation at Ajvide : Pitted ware culture fishing practises investigated through laser ablation facilitated strontium isotope analyses. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344. Elsevier.
- Krzewińska, M., Rodríguez-Varela, R., Yaka, R., Vicente, M., Runfeldt, G., Sager, M., Ahlström Arcini, C., Ahlström, T., Hertzman, N., Storå, J. & Götherström, A. (2024). Related in Death? Further Insights on the Curious Case of Bishop Peder Winstrup and His Grandchild’s Burial. Heritage, 7, 576-584. MDPI AG.
- Kucukdemirci, M., Landeschi, G., Kaya, N., Makaroğlu, ?. & Işık, ?. (2024). From top to deep: An integrated multidisciplinary approach for the study of a transformative landscape of Savatra ancient city. Near Surface Geophysics, 22, 652-665. EAGE.
- Larsson, L. (2024). Tooth Beads in Two Hunter-Fisher-Gatherer Societies of Northern Europe. BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Research, 36, 38-47.
- Larsson, M., Bergman, J. & Olsson, P. A. (2024). Soil, fertilizer and plant density : Exploring the influence of environmental factors to stable nitrogen and carbon isotope composition in cereal grain. Journal of Archaeological Science, 163. Academic Press.
- Leander Touati, A.-M. (2024). Building the social : A query into the social impact of the Pompeian water supply. Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes At Athens and Rome, 2024, 167-214. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Ling, J., Fauvelle, M., Ivar Austvoll, K., Bengtsson, B., Nordvall, L. & Horn, C. (2024). Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age. Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 99, 782-807. De Gruyter.
- Macheridis, S. (2024). Animal Bones From Iron Age Settlements in Scania, Southern Sweden : A Database From the Sheep Ahoy Project. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 12, 1-7. Ubiquity Press Ltd..
- Macheridis, S., Faillace, K., Hood, M., Sayle, K., Inglis, E. & Madgwick, R. (2024). Sheep Ahoy : Exploring sheep management and its role in Viking Age economy through multiproxy analyses at Löddeköpinge, Sweden. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 34. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Macheridis, S., Sandstrom, M., Svensson, A., Wilhelmson, H., Berggren, ?. & Wranning, P. (2024). Preliminary strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) baselines for the Bjäre Peninsula and Halland in southern Sweden. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, 3. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Murcia, B. P., Massa, F. & Ezquerra, J. A. (2024). Nicole Belayche à la recherche des puissances divines du polythéisme. ARYS. Antiguedad, Religiones y Sociedades, 15-42. Dykinson.
- Naum, M. (2024). Black dolls, nannies and childcare in the Danish West Indies. Kulturstudier, 2024, 65-87. Dansk Historisk Fællesråd.
- Naum, M., Ahlqvist, L., Gidins, A. A., Haa'yuups, & Birch, T. (2024). A Collaborative Approach to the Analysis of Northwest Coast Treasures from the Ehlers Collection in Denmark. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 47, 63-96.
- Ola, M., Iregren, E. & Jennbert, K. (2024). Breeding, feeding and mobility among dogs in the elite in the Merovingian period – Analysis of dogs in the boat grave Nabberör, Öland, Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 56. Elsevier.
- Rosengren, E. & Magnell, O. (2024). Ungulate niche partitioning and behavioural plasticity of aurochs in Early Holocene southern Scandinavia revealed by stable isotope analysis of bone collagen. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 648, 1-12. Elsevier.
- Rosengren, E., Rossi, C., Heino, M. T. & Sinding, M.-H. S. (2024). New finds of European bison identified through the systematic DNA-based species identification of archaeological remains of large bovines from Scandinavia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 57, 1-9. Elsevier.
- Rossi, C., Ekström, J., Mostadius, M., Rosengren, E. & Bradley, D. G. (2024). The genomic natural history of the aurochs. Nature, 635, 136-141. Nature Publishing Group.
- Seersholm, F. V., Sjögren, K. G., Koelman, J., Blank, M., Svensson, E. M., Staring, J., Fraser, M., Pinotti, T., McColl, H., Gaunitz, C., Ruiz-Bedoya, T., Granehäll, L., Villegas-Ramirez, B., Fischer, A., Price, T. D., Allentoft, M. E., Iversen, A. K., Axelsson, T., Ahlström, T., Götherström, A., Storå, J., Kristiansen, K., Willerslev, E., Jakobsson, M., Malmström, H. & Sikora, M. (2024). Repeated plague infections across six generations of Neolithic Farmers. Nature, 632, 114-121. Nature Publishing Group.
- Styring, A. K., Vaiglova, P., Bogaard, A., Church, M. J., Gröcke, D. R., Larsson, M., Liu, X., Stroud, E., Szpak, P. & Wallace, M. P. (2024). Recommendations for stable isotope analysis of charred archaeological crop remians. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, 3, 1-14. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Styring, A., Jirdén, E., Lagerås, P., Larsson, M., Sjöström, A. & Ljung, K. (2024). Carbon isotope values of hazelnut shells: a new proxy for canopy density. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology, 3, 1-12. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Wienberg, J. (2024). Städer, begrepp och perspektiv – ett ordnat kaos. META Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift, 2024, 168-181. Historiskarkeologiska föreningen.
- Wikander, ?. (2024). Architectural terracottas from San Giovenale : Addenda and conclusions. Opuscula, 17, 113-150. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Admiraal, M., Jordan, P., Talbot, H. M., Bondetti, M., Serna, A., Taché, K., von Tersch, M., Hendy, J., McGrath, K., Craig, O. E. & Lucquin, A. (2023). The role of salmon fishing in the adoption of pottery technology in subarctic Alaska. Journal of Archaeological Science, 157. Academic Press.
- Ahlström, T., Aspeborg, H. & Roslund, M. (2023). New Research Project : Uppåkra – The Hall on the Height: Investigating a Long-Term Iron Age Residence. Current Swedish Archaeology, 31, 201-206. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.
- Back Danielsson, I.-M. & Niklasson, E. (2023). Editorial. Current Swedish Archaeology, 31, 7-10. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.