Articles (page 16 of 28)
- Berggren, ?. (2009). Evaluation of a reflexive attempt: the Citytunnel project in retrospect. Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 24, 23-37. Cambridge University Press.
- Berggren, ?. (2009). The relevance of stratigraphy. Archaeological Dialogues, 16, 22-25. Cambridge University Press.
- Brink, K., Kishonti, I. & Magnell, O. (2009). On the shore. Current Swedish Archaeology, 17, 79-107. Svenska arkeologiska samfundet.
- Holtorf, C. (2009). Archaeology. From usefulness to value. Archaeological Dialogues, 16, 182-186. Cambridge University Press.
- Magnell, O. (2009). Den urbana borgen och den lantliga staden. ALE, 2009, 20-24. De skånska landskapens historiska och arkeologiska förening.
- Sjögren, K.-G., Price, D. & Ahlström, T. (2009). Megaliths and mobility in south-western Sweden. Investigating relationships between a local society and its neighbours using strontium isotopes. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 28, 85-101. Elsevier.
- Wienberg, J. (2009). Absider med mening. Fornvännen, 302-305. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Wienberg, J. (2009). Romanske runde kirketårne : et skandinavisk perspektiv. Hikuin, 101-120. Forlaget Hikuin.
- Östborn, P. (2009). Renormalization of oscillator lattices with disorder. Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 79. American Physical Society.
- Hannon, G. E., Bradshaw, R. H. W., Nord, J. & Gustafsson, M. (2008). The Bronze Age landscape of the Bjare peninsula, southern Sweden, and its relationship to burial mounds. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35, 623-632. Academic Press.
- Helmbrecht, M. (2008). Figures with Horned Headgear: A Case Study of Context Analysis and Social Significance of Pictures in Vendel and Viking Age Scandinavia. Lund Archaeological Review, 13-14, 53-53. Institute of Archaeology, University of Lund.
- Helmbrecht, M. (2008). Prachtvolle Zeugnisse weitreichender Verbindungen: Ein karolingerzeitlicher Neufund vom Aggbichl bei Marquartstein, Lkr. Traunstein. Bericht der Bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege, 49, 367-382.
- Holtorf, C. (2008). Zoos as heritage: an archaeological perspective. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, 3-9. Taylor & Francis.
- Holtorf, C. & Ortman, O. (2008). Endangerment and Conservation Ethos in Natural and Cultural Heritage: The Case of Zoos and Archaeological Sites. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 14, 74-90. Taylor & Francis.
- Larsson, L. (2008). Ritual Structures in South Scandinavian Prehistory. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2008, 193-214. Prehistoric Society.
- Larsson, L. (2008). Use of soapstone from the first settlement of Greenland until the present day. Polarforskningssekretariatets årsbok, 2007, 95-98. Polarforskningssekretariatet.
- Nilsson Stutz, L., Larsson, L. & Ilga, Z. (2008). More Burials at Zvejnieki. Preliminary results from the 2007 excavation. Mesolithic Miscellany, 19, 12-16.
- Olausson, D. (2008). Does Practice Make Perfect? Craft Expertise as a Factor in Aggrandizer Strategies. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 15, 28-50. Springer.
- Roos, P. (2008). A forgotten tomb at Hippokome and its neighbours. Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes At Athens and Rome, 1, 137-144. Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome.
- Wienberg, J. (2008). Comments on "From an Archaeology of Iconoclasm to an Anthropology of the Body". Current Anthropology, 49: 1, 51-51. University of Chicago Press.
- Wienberg, J. (2008). Det hotade grevskapet : Per Brahe den yngres minnesmärken. Fornvännen, 260-278. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Ahlström, T. (2007). Västerbjers revisited : Demography and joint health among foragers of the Litorina Sea. Bericht der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission, 88, 483-500. Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.
- ANTHONY, S. (2007). Early medieval settlement at West Lear’s Farm, Chard Junction Quarry, Thorncombe, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeology Society, 128, 69-78.
- Forsell, R. & Karivieri, A. (2007). The house of Caecilius Iucundis V 1,22-27: a preliminary report. Opuscula Romana: Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome, 31-32, 119-138.
- Göransson, K. (2007). The transport amphorae from the area of Building D, in B. Wells et al. The Kalaureia Excavation Project: The 2004 and 2005 Seasons. Opuscula Atheniensia: Annual of the Swedish Institute At Athens, 31-32, 114-118. Svenska Institutet i Athen/The Swedish Institute at Athens.