
Redaktör: Torbjörn Ahlström

ISSN: 1654-2363

Animal husbandry in Iron Age Scania, with a catalogue

Animal husbandry in Iron Age Scania, with a catalogue

Stella Macheridis | Animal husbandry in Iron Age Scania, with a catalogue | Studies in Osteology 73 | 2022

The zooarchaeological record of Iron Age Scania in south Sweden is rich and multi-faceted; within it are many clues to past human-animal relations. This book focusses on the management of cattle, sheep, pig and horse, and Scania, with its environmentally diverse composition, make up ...

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Health, cattle and ploughs

Health, cattle and ploughs

Anna Tornberg | Health, cattle and ploughs. Bioarchaeological consequences of the Secondary Products Revolution in southern Sweden, 2300-1100 BCE | Studies in Osteology 71 | 2018

Skeletons provide unsurpassed evidence of living, and sometimes dying, in past populations. In this thesis, skeletal responses to agro-pastoral intensification are explored and discussed. Increased access to nutrition, population increase and a more complex society, affect diet and ...

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Fishing for ways to thrive

Fishing for ways to thrive

Adam Boethius | Fishing for ways to thrive. Integrating zooarchaeology to understand subsistence strategies and their implications among Early and Middle Mesolithic southern Scandinavian foragers | Studies in Osteology 70 | 2018

In this publication, life in Early and Middle Mesolithic Scandinavia is explored. Using interdisciplinary methods the author analyses zooarchaeological remains in order to evaluate the subsistence strategies of Early Holocene Scandinavian foragers.

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Waste management, animals and society

Waste management, animals and society

Stella Macheridis | Waste management, animals and society. A social zooarchaeological study of Bronze Age Asine | Studies in Osteology 69 | 2018

Animal bones are often found as waste-related material in archaeological excavations. This book explores the ways in which archaeological animal bones can be used to discuss cultural implications of waste management. How waste is handled reflects several aspects of society, from ...

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Perspectives from a human-centred archaeology

Perspectives from a human-centred archaeology

Helene Wilhelmson | Perspectives from a human-centred archaeology. Iron Age people and society on Öland | Studies in Osteology 68 | 2017

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Sidansvarig: Susanne.Karlssonark.luse | 2024-05-23