Projekt: Arkeologi
- Above Landscapes and Beyond Places. Using high-definition digital topographies to understand long-term landscape change
- Affect as effectuation. The enlargement of Viking Age button-on-bow brooches in eastern Middle Sweden.
- AI-based tool for detecting archaeology in Scandinavian forestland (Giacomo Landeschi)
- Archaeological Interactive Report (Paola Derudas)
- A tale told by one is a tale told only in half. Archaeological narratives based on aDNA, isotopes and archaeological material
- Att angripa våld: Ickemilitärt våld idag och i det förflutna
- Bortom hamnar: rörelse och konnektivitet i det romerska Medelhavet (Maria Moreno Escobar)
- CALDERA Nordic-Japan Research Programme (Disaster Studies) (Peter Jordan, Junzo Uchiyama)
- Complex Canoes: Technological Innovation and the Origins of Scandinavia’s Maritime Society (Mikael Fauvelle)
- Det republikanska Forum Romanum (Nicolo Dell'Unto, Henrik Gerding)
- "Difficult Histories": Assembling Forgotten Times (Peter Jordan)
- Digital documentation of the Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Danilo Marco Campanaro)
- Digital Integration Across Disciplines: Advancing Cultural Heritage Documentation DIAD (Niclas Burenhult, Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Doctoral thesis: Toward a que(e)rying of bog body research: the bog beyond the body
- Dynamic collections (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Early medieval towers in Sweden (Martin Hansson)
- Entrusted to the flames – The ritual technologies of Viking Age cremations (Fredrik Ekengren)
- Evocative imagery at whose expense? A discussion of how mortuary reconstructions may impact post-mortem dignity and privacy
- Floating Castles: the Built Environment and Social Signaling in Medieval Scandinavia
- Gammalt vedmaterial i nytt ljus
- Global Station for Indigenous Studies and Cultural Diversity
- Gravarkeologi – Teoretiska perspektiv och metodiska konsekvenser (Fredrik Ekengren)
- Hallen på Höjden. Dynastiers residens och domän.
- Hokkaido: Socio-Environmental Histories
- Järnåldersarkeologi Blekinge II: Övärldens långtid och rum (Ingrid Gustin, Björn Nilsson)
- Järnåldersarkeologi i Blekinge I: Boplatsen Västra Vång och Johannishusåsens landskap (Björn Nilsson)
- Living Dangerously: Reconstructing Ancient Disaster-Scapes in Northeast Asia (Peter Jordan, Junzo Uchiyama)
- Maritime Networks and Emergent Identities in the North Pacific Rim (Mikael Fauvelle, Peter Jordan)
- Mesolitiska sociala nätverk och territoriella tendenser i södra Skandinavien
- Miniaturisation in Late Iron Age Scandinavia - not a small matter
- Non-destructive analysis of Neolithic amber
- POSTGLACIAL: Comparative Perspectives on Cultural Responses to Postglacial Warming in Northern Eurasia
- Revisiting Nabberör – a Vendel Period boat grave from Öland (Fredrik Ekengren, Elisabeth Iregren, Kristina Jennbert, Stella Macheridis, Helene Wilhelmson)
- RobotLab LTH
- Seeming as being. Descent, relations and shifting positions of carved stones in the Scandinavian Viking Age landscape
- Surviving The Apocalypse: Modelling Multi-Scalar Impacts And Legacies Of An Ancient Mega Disaster on Human Life-Worlds, Technologies And Demography
- Telling Stories with Archaeological Data: TETRARCHs
- The Blera Archaeological Project: Investigating Etruscan Urbanism through Multi-Resolution Archaeology (Hampus Olsson)
- Transforming data reuse in archaeology (Nicolo Dell'Unto)
- Under the canopy: reading past agrarian landscapes through the lens of artificial intelligence and remote sensing (Giacomo Landeschi)
- Vid städ och ur degel - centraliserat flermetallsmide och decentraliserad multimetallitet i Skandinaviens tidigurbana samhälle (Andreas Svensson)
- Vätteryd – Mortuary Practices on a Late Iron Age Cemetery