Completed projects
- A tale told by one, is a tale told only in half. Archaeological narratives based on aDNA, isotopes and archaeological material
- A viking age farm in Finja, northern Scania (Anders Ödman)
- Beyond curiosity and wonder: understanding Museum Stobæanum
- Ceramics and cultural reception- ceramological analysis of imported pottery in Sigtuna, Uppland. (Mats Roslund)
- Churches on the Baltic Sea (Jes Wienberg)
- Commodities and culture- encounters, exchange and social dynamics in Medieval Sigtuna, c 980 to 1350. (Mats Roslund)
- Det tidiga Lund och omlandet (Gertie Eriksson)
- Eadrinc, Heydenric & nameless Slavs- strangers in Lund. (Mats Roslund)
- Early Nordic urbanization processes in global comparative light, ca. 700-1200 CE
- Enduring Materialities of Colonialism (EMoC): temporality, spatiality and memory
- "Followers of the Books"- Islamic and Jewish perspectives on medieval Europe. (Mats Roslund)
- Glimmingehus festsal, en byggnadsarkeologisk rapport
- Hemma hos herr Niklas och andra skrivkunniga. Människorna vid stranden i Sigtuna.
- House hold ceramics in the block Åkroken in Nyköping- production, tradition, consumption and interregional contacts. (Mats Roslund)
- In the shadow of the family – lineage and personality in Late Medieval Scandinavia (Martin Hansson)
- Islamic Mediterranean at lake Mälaren - traces of Islamic trade in pre-modern Sweden. (Mats Roslund)
- Leeches and leechcraft. The professionalization of the art and craft of healing in Sweden during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. (Johanna Bergqvist Rydén)
- Locus Celebris - Dalby church, convent and manor (Jes Wienberg)
- Memory, memorials and monuments (Jes Wienberg)
- Mynt och människor i mellersta Blekinge. Johannishusskatten i nytt ljus
- "När man är fråntagen allt." Föremålen från koncentrationslägret Ravensbrück som motstånd, minne och identitet (Johanna Bergqvist Rydén)
- Parchment production in medieval Scandinavia (Lena Strid)
- Runic stones in the landscape (Martin Hansson)
- Science blog on Urnes Style batches from the late Viking Age - Introduction
- Sensations of the medieval ointment jar from the perspectives of the artisan, the healer, and the treated
- Sicily - Siqiliya - Sikelö: Byzantine, Islamic and Norman coexistence in Southern Italy 800 to 1300 AD. (Mats Roslund)
- Stones, bones and forgotten histories
- Stone transport and labour division in Skåne in early medieval period (Anders Ödman)
- Sweden in the Delaware valley. Everyday life and identities in the seventeenth century colony of New Sweden (Fredrik Ekengren, Magdalena Naum)
- Tacit knowing of thraels- the social context of pottery production in High Medieval Skänninge. (Mats Roslund)
- The Early Modern City - archaeology between the local and the global
- The Heritage of Suablterns in Sweden, 1700-1900 (De osynligas kulturarv)
- The Key to Uppåkra: digitizing a unique archeological cultural heritage. (Mats Roslund)
- The Medieval Period in the Northern Part of Skåne (Anders Ödman)
- The oldest iron mine i Scania (Anders Ödman)
- Tycho Brahes vattenkraft på Ven
- Understanding the Cultural Impacts and Issues of Lapland Mining: A Long-Term (Magdalena Naum)
- World Heritage and Modernity (Jes Wienberg)