Miscellaneous (page 1 of 2)
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- Ekengren, F., Dell'Unto, N., Callieri, M., Derudas, P., Campanaro, D. M., Naponiello, G., Ottosson Berggren, ?., Arvidsson, E. & Ringdahl, R. (2024). Dynamic Collection Plus : A 3D web infrastructure designed to support higher education and research in archaeology. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Neiß, M. & Højmark Søvsø, M. (2024). Part One : Christianity and Badges in Ribe, Denmark. Badges in Medieval Ribe (Denmark). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council(SSHRC) and University of Waterloo.
- Neiß, M. & Højmark Søvsø, M. (2024). Part Three : Promoting a Second Wave of Conversion. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council(SSHRC) and University of Waterloo.
- Neiß, M. & Højmark Søvsø, M. (2024). Part Two : Recovering Viking Age Art for Posterity. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council(SSHRC) and University of Waterloo.
- Salö, L. & Brännstedt, L. (2024). Humaniora tog plats i Visby - rapport från Almedalen. Humtankar. Tankesmedjan Humtank.
- Brännstedt, L. (2023). Humaniora står sig starkt i offentligheten. Humtankar. Tankesmedjan Humtank.
- Brännstedt, L. & Salö, L. (2023). Humtankar : Reseberättelse från Bryssel. Humtankar. Tankesmedjan Humtank.
- Brännstedt, L., Troberg, A. & Salö, L. (2023). Var är den massiva satsningen på humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, Persson?. Altinget.
- (2022). Attestations from Lydia, database of the project ERC Advanced Grant MAP 741182 : Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès.
- Alvar Ezquerra, J. & Pañeda Murcia, B. (2022). Mater Magna y Atis en Hispania. Biblioteca de Humanidades, Carlos III University of Madrid.
- Derudas, P. & Nurra, F. (2022). Archaeological Interactive Report : AIR. Lund University.
- Brännstedt, L. (2021). Humanistisk kunskap och kompetens i arbetslivet. Humtankar. Tankesmedjan Humtank.
- Jordan, P. (2021). Northern Khanty Clothing and Footwear Dataset (Lower Ob' Region, Northwest Siberia). Archaeology Data Service.
- Callieri, M., Dell'Unto, N., Ekengren, F., Campanaro, D. M., Berggren, ?., Derudas, P. & Dininno, D. (2020). Dynamic Collections Legacy : A 3D web infrastructure designed to support higher education and research in archaeology. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Derudas, P., Callieri, M., Dell'Unto, N. & Apel, J. (2020). Kämpinge Interactive Reporting System. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Derudas, P., Dell'Unto, N., Callieri, M. & Apel, J. (2020). Kämpinge Interactive Reporting System. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Gerding, H., Dell'Unto, N., Lindgren, S., Campanaro, D. M. & Derudas, P. (2020). The Republican Forum Romanum. Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University.
- Nilsson, B. (2017). Fotokonst Arkeologi Landskap/ skisser/ på mitt skrivbord ligger.
- Flemestad, P. (2016). Accessory to Murder : Herodotos on Greek Female Dress.
- Ekengren, F., Naum, M. & Zagal-Mach Wolfe, U. I. (2013). Encountering the Other : Colonialism and Identity in New Sweden and Beyond. Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet.
- Ödman, A. (2013). Olovskulten i Hallaröd. Höörs församling.
- Ödman, A. (2012). Att koka soppa på en spik - den tidigmedeltida stentransporten till Domkyrkan. Föreningen industrihistoria i Skåne.