
Senior Lecturer
- Classical archaeology and ancient history
- Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
Contact information
E-mail maria.nilssonklass.luse
Room LUX:A112
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
Following the disputation on my doctoral thesis on Hellenistic Queen Arsinoë II's crown (iconographic study) at Gothenburg University in 2010 I now focus my research on the relatively new topic "pseudo script", primarily Ptolemaic and Roman quarry marks in Gebel el Silsila, Egypt.
In 2012 I was rewarded a post doctoral fellowship at Lund University, founded by the Swedish Research Council, followed by a Marie Curie Fellowship, with projects focusing on enigmatic quarry marks/non-textual marking systems.
Since 2012 I am the mission director of the Gebel el Silsila Project with a series of groundbreaking discoveries.
In the Research Portal you can search and find information about all active researchers, units, publications, projects, infrastructures, and more, to get an overview of Lund University research.
My profile in Lund University research portalConference presentations, invited speaker (selection):
“Quarry marks of Gebel el-Silsila: signification, function(s), andcorrespondence with temple marks”, international conference Stone canvas: towards a better integrationof ‘Rock Art’ and ‘Graffiti’ studies in Egypt and Sudan, IFAO, Cairo, Egypt(forthcoming 2019)
“Quarryscape Epigraphy: Public andprivate attestations at Gebel el-Silsila”, international conference Clamour from the Past: Graffiti, RockInscriptions and Secondary Epigraphy from Ancient Egypt, IFAO, Cairo, Egypt2019. Will result in a proceedings paper.
“From Prehistory to Petrie:introducing Gebel el-Silsila & its various visitors”, Gebel el-Silsila Study Day, Friends of the Petrie Museum, London,UK 2019.
“Messages from the Dead: funerarycustoms, child internments & a mass burial”, Gebel el-Silsila Study Day, Friends of the Petrie Museum, London,UK 2019.
“New Discoveries at Gebelel-Silsila”, Egyptian Embassy, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019.
“Ovan och under jord: nya upptäckter i Gebelel-Silsila”, Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2019.
” Millenier av konstnärliga uttryck:Hällristningar och klippinskrifter i Gebel el-Silsila, Egypten”, Crafoordska lunchföreläsningar,Stadsbiblioteket, Lund, Sweden 2019.
“Archaeological updates from thefield: Gebel el Silsila Project”, Friendsof Alexandria, Gothenburg, Sweden 2019 (previouslectures in 2018, 2014).
“Archaeological updates from thefield: Gebel el Silsila Project”, ISISEgyptological Society, Helsingborg, Sweden 2019 (previous lectures in 2014,2018).
“Arkeologiska expeditioner i egyptiska Gebelel-Silsila”, Explorers Club SWE, Åre,Sweden 2018.
“Introduction to the site” and“Roman activity”, Silsila Study Day,Leiden Rijksmuseum, Holland 2017.
“Gebel el-Silsila: introducing the site andthe archaeological project”, ArchaeologicalInstitute of America, Toledo, OH, USA 2017.
“Gebel el Silsila: en introduktion till denantika platsen & det fältarkeologiska projektet”, Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden 2016.
“From Epipalaeolithic petroglyphs to Roman graffiti: Stylisticvariability of anthropomorphs at Gebel el Silsila (Upper Egypt)”, What EverHappened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of NorthernAfrica, Brussels, Belgium 2015. Resulted in a proceedings publication.
“Gebel el Silsila: en introduktion till denantika platsen & det fältarkeologiska projektet”,
Egyptological Society, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015.
“Introducing Gebel el Silsila”, Swedish Embassy, Cairo, Egypt 2015.
“Early Emperors at Gebel el Silsila(Upper Egypt) – quarry activity and workers’ graffiti”, King’s College London/UCL, London, UK 2015.
Gebel el Silsila: scientific work,site management and current threats”, The Southern Gate of Egypt, UNESCO/NubianMuseum organized conference, Aswan, Egypt 2014.
“Quarry Marks in Gebel el Silsila –signifiers of men and gods alike?”, international conference Decoding Signs of Identity: Egyptianworkmen’s marks in archaeological, historical, comparative and theoretical perspective,Leiden University (Egyptology), Leiden, Holland 2013. Resulted in apublication.
“Pictorial representations at Gebelel Silsila – a 10.000 year long repertoire”, Italian days in Aswan, UNESCO organized conference,Nubian Museum, Aswan, Egypt 2013. Resulted in a proceedings publication.
“A visual field report from Gebel elSilsila”, NVIC Nederlands-VlaamsInstituut, Cairo, Egypt 2013.
“As above, so below: new discoveries at Gebel el-Silsila”, Arkeologi för alla, Lund University, Sweden 2019.
“Gebel el-Silsila: en introduktion till detsvenska projektet i Egypten”, breakfast lecture at Gröna Hästen, Laholm, Sweden2019.
“Arkeologi och det svenska projektet i Egypten”,Laholms Parkskolan, Sweden 2019.
“Gebel el Silsila, the project and most recent discoveries”, Departmentof Education, Kom Ombo, Egypt, 2017
Specialistcommentator (recorded), National Geographic Museum exhibition “Queens of Egypt”
Appears on
NationalGeographic’s ‘Lost Treasures of Egypt:Warrior Queen’
NationalGeographic’s ‘Lost tomb of Alexander thegreat’
NationalGeographic’s ‘Egypt’s Treasure Guardians’
TravelChannel’s ‘Expedition Unknown’:
UK Channel5 with Sir Tony Robinson, ‘Egyptian TombHunting’
Science Channel´s ‘Unearthed’ S02E09
and “Ramses’ buried treasures”
SVT1: Landgång24/8 2017:
SVT2: Vetenskapensvärld 15/2 2016:

Senior Lecturer
- Classical archaeology and ancient history
- Department of Archaeology and Ancient History
Contact information
E-mail maria.nilssonklass.luse
Room LUX:A112
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
Phone hours