Programme structure

Our studies are structured as a programme even though they consist of freestanding courses. This offers our students great freedom to design their own degrees. We have three degree levels – Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees – and four subjects: Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, and Historical Osteology. Our BA-courses are given in Swedish, while our Master’s programme is in English. As a student, you can choose which of the department’s subjects you wish to specialise in for your degree. As a new student, you are primarily to focus on getting a Bachelor’s degree, which is the first degree level. The Bachelor’s degree amounts to 180 credits and corresponds to 3 years of full time studies.

Here is how the Bachelor’s degree in one of our subjects may be structured in detail:

1. Level 1 course (30 credits). You usually start by studying a level 1 course in one of the department’s four subjects. Level 1 courses are offered in the autumn and in the spring.

2. Level 2 course (30 credits). The level 1 course is followed by a level 2 course in the same subject. For Historical Osteology, we have two level 1 courses offered every other year. For admission to the Bachelor’s degree courses (see below) specialising in Historical Osteology, students must have completed both these courses. The level 2 courses are offered in the spring semester.

3. You can then study a total of 90 free credits in courses within or outside the department. We recommend that you study some of the department’s other level 1 and level 2 courses as a complement to your specialisation subject. This will provide you with a complete education on the historical periods and issues which interest you. You can also study courses at other departments, even abroad, and include them in your archaeological profile. There are many possibilities, so feel free to contact the study advisor to discuss your choices.

4. Level 3 course (30 credits). This is the course which completes your Bachelor’s degree. The course is common to all subjects at the department and includes field work and a written degree project. The degree project is written within your specialisation subject. Level 3 courses are offered in the autumn semester.

In order to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in one of our subjects, you must thus have completed a level 1 course, a level 2 course and a level 3 course in the same subject. In addition to these, you must have earned 90 credits on other courses in order to reach the total requirement of 180 credits. This structure gives you great freedom in putting together your degree.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the study advisor at the department.

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