Neolithic conference - “What’s New in the Neolithic?”, May 13-14. Organized by the Scanian Neolithic Group, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University
Publicerad den 8 maj 2013
Neolithic conference - “What’s New in the Neolithic?”, May 13-14. Organized by the Scanian Neolithic Group, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University at Kulturen, Lund
During recent decades, extensive excavations and research on the Neolithic has resulted in many new interpretations and questions concerning domestication, cultural and social contacts, technological innovations, cosmology, monuments, landscape, settlement and materiality. In the conference “What’s New in the Neolithic?” participates colleagues from various parts of northern Europe to discuss current research on the Neolithic. As the title of the conference indicates, the question what is "new" in the Neolithic, in terms of recent research and interpretations, but also what was new in the Neolithic, in comparison to the Late Mesolithic.
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